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He cried on Michael shoulder as Calum try to drive normally in the rain, the storm and lightings didn't help.

"Shh, everything's going to be just fine." Michael said reassuringly as he soothe Ashton's hair.

"I don't know." he managed to say, his voice crack and broken, he just hoping that Luke would be okay.

Dustin has called him when he started to get impatient on why Luke was taking so long, 30 minutes passed by and Luke hasn't come.

"Ashton, Luke's in the hospital, he got injured badly because his car crashed, please get to here as soon as possible, be careful." Dustin told before he hang up.

More tears coming down when they arrived at the hospital, he rushed inside searching for Luke's family, once he saw Luke's family he ran to them.

Liz was hiding her face on her husband's shoulder, Jack, Ben and Dustin were sitting on the hospital bench looking at the floor.

"Is he okay?" he hopefully asked, tears still running out from his already puffy eyes.

"I hope so." Jack said looking down at the floor but Ashton could see his eyes were watering from crying, he hugged Jack and cry on his chest.

"Ash." someone called, he turned his head to see Dustin.

He hated it so much that Dustin has almost the same voice as Luke.

"Stay strong." Dustin shot him a small smile, pulling him into a bone crashing hug.

He didn't know what to do, he rested his hands on his side instead of hugging Dustin back, because he hated it, he hated how Dustin was doing all the same things Luke would do to him, how it felt almost the same when he was around with Luke, but now Luke was in a hospital and injured very badly.

He looked blankly at the wall behind Dustin, he could feel Dustin pulled away from the hug and grabbed his shoulders, rubbing them with his thumbs, yet he was still aware of the situation, Dustin leaned in to press a gentle kiss on his temple, his head started to spin and he hold onto Dustin.

"Are you okay?" the twin asked, pulling him down on his lap, he replied with a shook of a head, "You can rest your head on my shoulder." and so he did as Dustin held his waist.

Hours passed by and he has gone to sleep, he felt someone shaking him, he shrieked when his eyes met the bright of the hospital lamp, he leaned back and made contact with blue eyes, "Luke." he whispered, his heart started to beat faster.

"No, no, I'm Dustin," the boy said, "We can see him now." he smiled, a smile that reminds him so much of Luke.

He got up carefully from Dustin's lap, he saw Luke's parents, Jack and Ben getting out of a room, crying, making him frowned.

He looked back at Dustin, Michael and Calum, before walking ahead to the room he sure Luke was in it.

He opened the door, the smell of the hospital room made him dizzy and closed his eyes but he opened them again.

There he was, the boy he loved, his boyfriend, laying on the hospital bed, same as his a few days ago, and he just hoped that bed isn't going to be Luke's last place to sleep.

He walked quietly to Luke's lifeless body, the heartbeat machine going up and down very slowly, he knew he let out a 'Thank you' before looking at Luke's face.

His face was injured, he could still see the blood from an open scar, there was a cannula to help him breathe, but he was sleeping very peacefully, so peaceful that made Ashton want to jump off of a bridge, maybe so peaceful because Luke was dreaming heaven.

No matter how hard he tried, no words coming from his lips, but he let his tears fall down his cheeks again.

He glanced at Luke's hand, it was injured too, almost of his body was covered in bandages, he slowly touched the bare skin of Luke's hand and shivered when it was too cold.

The affect of touching Luke was still the same; warm and safeness.

"I love you," he said with a broken voice, "Please don't leave me."

"Ash," Michael called hugging him, he burst into cry in Michael's chest, "He's going to be okay."

Ashton tried to trust Michael but who knows.

Calum made him sat on a chair next to Luke's bed, wrapping him with his varsity jacket.

"The doctor said he's in coma, they don't know for how long." Dustin said making him look up to Luke's twin.

"Oh my God." he breathed out, more tears coming from his hazel eyes, he already could see himself in a mental asylum in one year.

He could feel Dustin kneeled in front of him, "I got a feeling before this happened." the twin said.

"What is that?" he asked curiously wiping his tears away.

"I don't know, it's just something telling me that he's going to hurt himself," Dustin shook his head, "He was so stubborn, I hate that about him."

Ashton listened carefully as Dustin keep telling him his old story with Luke, Dustin told him fool stories of Luke, but it didn't make him laugh, it just remind him that Luke was laying on a hospital bed more.

He felt so sad, and broken.

"I think it's time for you to go home, Ash." Dustin told.

He looked to Luke and shook his head, "I wanna stay."

"Maybe next time, you have to go home right now." Calum said, patting his shoulder helping him to stand up.

"You can stay in my house with Calum." Michael joined.

"Okay," he stuttered, he looked at Luke once again before whispering, "I hope you're going to wake up soon, I love you." and he kissed Luke's temple that was covered in bandage.

"See you tomorrow," Dustin smiled and pulling him into a hug, "Cal, drive safely."

"See you." he said before Calum and Michael lead him out of the room.

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