Chapter 2

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Life for me was a blur. Now that Lushia was living with us, Mum's always going on and on about how Aunty Grace will soon be out of hospital and Lushia will move back home, she think's I'm stressed? Really I'm not, I like having Lushia around. She's great company. I don't mind a bit that she now has to share a room with me. Like I said before she's great company and really interesting. You could listen to her talk for ages and not get bored. She's amazing! And beautiful. Plus mum said last night she might be joining my school because mum can't be bothered paying for a bus trip to Lushia's old school everyday. It will be great, I could show her off to all my mates. Even that girl who kissed me would be jealous. I could tell everyone she's my girlfriend and that'll get things going. I hated Annika she can't even kiss probably I'd much rather kiss Lushia in a beat. I got up and walked to Lushia's room.

'Lushia?' I whispered trying to be quite.

'Yes?' She answered. Which scared me because I thought she'd be asleep.

'Um, I was wondering...'

'What? Haha about if you could tell me some rules before I move into your room tomorrow?' She giggled. I laughed.

'No, no. It's just... The girl who kissed me at school, you may have heard. But her names Annika and I really dislike her but after that kiss, she thinks we're dating and I want to pretend you're my girlfriend so she gets it through her brain.' I smiled taking a seat on her bed. She looked so peaceful I just wanted to lay a kiss on her. But I can tell what I said surprised her.

'Uh, oh, okay.' She answered smiling. She sat up so fast her hair flowed behind her.

'Great!' I grinned, she was so pretty.

'Are you going now?' She asked a little disappointed.

'Want me to?'

'Not in the slightest!'

'Well, why don't I spend the night here?' I asked grinning even bigger than before.

'So, get in silly.' She giggled lifting the sheets up so I could get in. I snuggled in close to her, her skin like silk, her hair was everywhere. I started playing with it.

'Oi. Haha, if you want me to tie it up I can.'

'Nah I like it down.' We were lying face to face under the covers. I had no top on and she had a onesie on. Damn it, if we were going to go anywhere with this it would take a long time to start.

'Okay.' She smiled. 'Goodnight.' She tapped me on the nose and snuggled under my armpit. It was heaven, she fell asleep with my arm around her. I never noticed but I seem to love her. I can tell she feels the same way for me, who would let a boy sleep in your bed with no top on and then you fall asleep under their arm? Who? No one, unless they really like you. Well, I fell asleep too. After a while of watching her. My head on her head. I fell asleep.

'Danny! Wake up... If your mum sees us like this she'll kill us!' Lushia whispered.

'Nah, babe a couple more minutes.' He said dreamily.

'Oh, don't you babe me.' She giggled.

'But what else am I supposed to call you?'

'Oh, I don't know, maybe Lushia!' She laughed. 'I would let you call me babe but if you called that in front of your mum things would get awkward.' That made me laugh.

'Don't worry, if you think about it. I'm not related to you, so we can get married without a problem. Only close with families, nothing more!' I grinned as she tapped me on the nose, she was so beautiful. I couldn't help it. I kissed her. It was amazing I was taken by surprise and I could tell she was too. I expected her to slap me and call my mum and tell her what I did, not that I would care I had gotten what I had wanted. But instead she just kissed me back, and we just started making out. Right there. Forgetting the fact that my Mum could walk in any minute. Luckily that didn't happen. But when Lushia looked at the time I had to go, It was 12:35 pm.

'Danny, what were you doing? Why are you and Lushia up so late?' Mum asked.

'I don't know what Lushia was doing, but I slept in.' Lushia could cover for herself.

'Yeah, well I was doing homework!' Lushia smiled

'In bed?' I snickered.

'Why do I love you?' Lushia whispered in my ear.

'I don't know but I love you too.' I whispered back.

'Alright, you two! Stop keeping secrets.' Kate growled.

'Sorry mum...' I grinned. As she walked out the door. 'Now we can do it, babe.'

'What? Do what?'

'I don't know... Snuggle?'

'Ugh you poo. Come on then' Lushia giggled taking my hand and leading me to her room.

We snuggled, made-out, I did some touchy-feely but she just stuck to my lips. 

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