Chapter 27

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I knocked on the door so hard that my knuckles hurt. A tall, angry looking man opened the door.

"What do you want?" His breath smelt of rotting fish.

"We are visiting." she said softly and then a bit louder she said "We would like a tour."

That was the signal for Conner to get ready.

"Why would you want a tour?" He looked annoyed

"It's for a school project" I bit my lip, would this work?

"On jails?"

"Yup" mumbled Rachel nervously

He sighed "Come in"

Jail was scarier than I remember. We went into a small room."Stay in here while I tell the chief"

I looked at Rachel, her eyes had turned from scared to excited.

I opened the door but Rachel's eyes darted to some keys hanging on the wall.

"Get them" I ordered

We walked down the cells, prisoners looked at us hopfull when we walked past them. Eventually we got to Conners cell

"Hello!" he piped.

"Shhh, keep it down" I glared at him

"Hi" laughed Rachel, she began trying out keys to open the door, I sighed this was going to take forever!

"It's the blue one" Conner pointed to one of the keys

"Thanks" Rachel smiled "Now, let's get you out of here" She unlocked the door and Conner trudged out.

"Could you be any slower?" I asked, mad.

"Sorry..." He replied sadly "It's just... I'll miss this placed."

"I'm sure you'll be back" I mumbled, rolling my eyes

"Alex!" Rachel looked stern, I shrugged and walked off down the hallway.

Rachel followed.

"Go out the door and meet us behind the building, near your old window" I ordered, Conner obeyed. Suddenly, the man that met us at the door came storming down the hallway, I held my breath.

"Where were you?" He demanded

"Um... we were looking for you to tell you that we have to go home, and that, we will come some other time" Said Rachel looking flushed

"Ok" He grunted

Rachel and I left, we met Conner behind the building and we began walking home. We had to be careful because Conner was a criminal. When we got home, we took him outside. In our back garden, there was an old shed. I opened it up and walked inside

"Welcome to your new home" I said, showing him inside.

"It's....nice" He stuttered

I smiled weakly, this was going to be hard.



"Now that I'm living with you guys, I want to be a maid. I want to dress up in a maid dress and do the cleaning." Conner laughed. A/N Told ya ;)

"Are you for real?" Alex sighed.
"Yes! I do the cleaning and I wear a maid dress. I have to be the Maid!"

"Okay, okay. You can be the maid." I laughed.
"GREAT! I always knew this would happen. So I carried this maid dress around! I have never let it go."
"Wow... You're really one of a kind." Alex grinned rolling his eyes.
"I know, I know." Conner laughed flicking his blonde hair out of his blue eyes.
"Alrighty! If mum finds out you're here... I'll be in big trouble you, keep it down!" I giggled.
"Wait... Where am I meant to sleep?" Conner asked. Puzzled.
"Um... I'm not sure." I blushed.

"Awh, you're blushing again!" Conner beamed.

"Yeah, she is. Now shut up." Alex mumbled.
"Oh... Right. Forgot you hated me." Conner grinned.
"I don't hate you, I hate boys flirting with Rachel."
"Alright! Stop being a baby... Both of you!" I yelled. "Conner, you are sleeping on the floor tonight." I mumbled getting into the bed and pulling the covers over my head.
"Sheets?" They both asked.

"Get some!"
"Okay, okay." Conner sighed.

"Can't I sleep with you? Just this once..." Alex pleaded.
"Fine!" I snapped, "get in!" I lifted up the sheets of the bed so Alex could get in. He grinned.
"Shall we...?" He blurted out.

"Don't even dare." I mumbled, rolling over so I faced away from him. He wrapped his arms around me. I guess he could tell I was cold.

"Thanks." I smiled. "Don't mention it." He whispered, stroking my hair. I feel asleep in his arms.

My Alam howled.
"Ugh..." I mumbled, rolling over. I slapped Alex in the face by mistake but he stayed asleep. I laughed. He was so funny when he slept. I looked over at Conner, he was asleep too. Well his eyes were shut.
"Oi, anyone awake?" I asked.

"I am now." Conner groaned.
"Oops. Hehe... Sorry. You can sleep again if you want."
"Nah, it's okay. I needed to wake up." Conner smiled.

"Hey! I should go get you and Alex something to eat. Any suggestions...?" I asked.

"I don't really care, as long as it's food."
"Well, alrighty then. Toodles." I laughed. I tiptoed my way out of the room. Trying not to make a sound. I didn't want to wake Mum up.
"Ugh, what should I make them?" I asked myself. I walked into the kitchen. Grabbed some pancakes, heated them up and grabbed a hole heap of toppings. I raced back up to my room, still trying to be quiet.
"Good Morning beautiful." Alex smiled at me as a burst through the door. I smiled back at him.
"Alright, I got pancakes and all these different flavours. You guys eat up while I have a word with my Mum."

I walked back out. Headed down the hall to my Mum's room.
"Mum? You up? Can I talk to you?" I asked.

"Yes sweetie, I'm up. Just had a shower."
"Can I come in? Or are you naked...?" I asked.

"Yes, I have only a robe on. Just how can I help you?"
"Um, I'm having a hard time lately..." I lied. "And I was wondering if I could spend say a week in a hotel... Just to get my mind round things.." Gosh I was full of lies.
"Um, I guess... If you're really that kean on sorting things out, then sure." I heard her say from the other side of the room. My dad opened up the door and stepped outside next to me. It took me by surprise.
"Be safe, okay?" He smiled.
"Sure, dad it's not like I'm going to be gone forever." I laughed.
"You need any help packing?" He asking.

"No, thanks. I'm good." I grinned. I ran back to my room. "Okay... We're going to stay in a hotel. For a couple weeks."
"What?! Really...? So I'm stuck with him for a week?" Conner laughed.

"It's me, or you're back to the cells." Alex mumbled.

"Guys! We need to start packing. Did you like your breakfast?" I giggled.
"Yeah! It was great!" Conner smiled, I beamed.

"Okey, let's get going b*tches."

Alex laughed and Conner smiled. For some reason this made me crack up.

"Come on, let's go" Said Alex, pulling me away.

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