Chapter 16

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"Oi! Open the door, we can hear voices." Screamed a man from outside.
"Alex..." I whispered.
"It'll be fine. Just keep quiet." He whispered putting his arm around me.
"Should we open the door?" I asked, I knew it was a dumb question.
"F*ck no! What planet do you live on?" Alex answered. That hurt me.
"Jesus, if you want me to go I'll go! I'll go out there and let them do whatever to me, mainly because there's no point living if the one you love treats you like a d*ck at the scariest moment!" I cried, I raised my voice a little. Which I regret!
"Hehehe you kids are doing a cr*p job at hiding, and keeping your voice down." A man yelled. strutting his way into the house. "And you didn't even lock this door well. Great job guys."
"Look who we have here..." Another man grinned taking my arm, he had found me. I was going to die.
"Let her go! Take me but let her go!" Alex screamed. Jumping out of his hiding spot.
"Alex! Don't say that!" I cried, one of the men were holding me tight I couldn't break free. I started crying.
"Yeah, don't waste your voice, mate. We want the girl, not you. Wait, we could use you..." The man said.
"Yes! Joey, we'll use them both, the girl will be better, but the boy could be good too! Now let's take them and go!" The other man said, grabbing Alex's arm.
"Let go!" Alex screamed.
"Kyle, if we're going we need to go fast!" Joey sighed. Joey was much bigger than Kyle, not with fat but muscle.
"Excuse me Joey? I'm the boss here aren't I? I give the f*cking orders." Kyle screamed. "Let's move out."
Kyle was holding onto me so hard it hurt, I was just wondering what was going to happen to me and Alex. Joey had Alex, there was no way Alex would be able to escape from Joey, Joey was to big.
They chucked us into a van which was loaded with guns.
"Alex, I'm scared." I whispered.
"I am too.." Alex admitted.
"Shut up you two." Kyle screamed.
The car ride was hopeless. Kyle drove while Joey sat in the passenger seat and that left Alex and I in the back. I was surprised that they let us sit next to each other.
"So where exactly are we taking them? And what are we going to do with them?" Joey asked, looking out the window.
"Well, Joey we are taking them to my grandma's house. There, we will f*ck the girl and use the boy as a slave. Sound good aye?"

I don't remember much, just being thrown into a small room, away from Alex. Suddenly the door opened and in came a boy, about my age.
"Who are you?" I asked. Panting.
"Your hero, Christian." He answered.
"You can't be my hero... Alex should be." I mumbled.

"Haha, well if you want me to go. I shall. You wait for your precious Alex to save you." He laughed, starting to walk towards the door.
"Wait... You can save me, if you want." I smiled, striking a pose.
"Great!" He laughed, grabbing his pocket knife and cutting the ropes which were around my wrists.
"How did you find me?" I asked. Waving my wrists around, it was great to be free.
"I work for Kyle, he's my dad. Hahah, I tried to tell him I'm not like him and I don't want to rape girls for the rest of my life. All the other girls weren't pretty and weren't nice. So I just left them, but you're different." He smiled.
"Really? You're his son." I laughed.
"Yes, can't you tell? We look the same." He grinned. That was a lie. He looked nothing like his dad. Christian was hot, his dad was not.
"Mhm, okay. Now my ankles please?" I sighed looking down at my tied together ankles.

"Oh right sorry, hun" Christian laughed. I raised my eyebrows as he undid the rope.
"Do you know where Alex is?" I asked.
"No..." Christian sighed. "Why?"
"Because I want to make sure he's okay."
"He'll be fine, I guess..." Christian mumbled.
"No! I need to make sure. I can't count on it."
"Fine, here take my hand. We'll go try and find him." Christian smiled. I took his hand. "Follow me. Oh and keep your voice down."
"Okay." I whispered. Into Christian's ear.
"Wait, are you flirting with me?" Christian grinned.

"Out of everyone in this house, you're more flirting with me." I grinned back.
"I might like you." He mumbled. "And I might be your hero. But he'll always be true hero. To you." He sighed.
"Christian, you're my hero. And Alex isn't, right now. If he was he'd be saving me. But look around, is he saving me? Or are you? Christian, you're saving me and you only." I sighed.
"Yeah. Heh. I guess. Thanks." Christian smiled.
"Why are you thanking me?" I asked.

"I don't know, let's just go find him. I want you to be happy." Christian laughed. We continued running, hand in hand. "This is usually where dad keeps the unwanted people. He'll be alone in there though. They normally have trouble finding people to kidnap. And if they are unwanted Joey kills them. They wouldn't kill your Alex, though." Christian said, looking down at the floor. "I should go in with you, just in case of dad.""Okay, come on then." I smiled opening up the door to the room. Alex was sitting in the middle of the floor, I was about to run in a greet him but Christian put his hand in front of me. "Look, my dad's there.. If we wanna rescue your Prince Charming then we have to go in like spies so dad doesn't see us." Christian whispered. I looked around, yes Kyle was there. "Why'd you call him My Prince Charming?" "Because look at him, he's got good, grand looks. I see why you like him so much. I don't stand a chance with you." He sighed. I giggled. Kyle left the room. "We still shouldn't go in, Joey might be in there." Christian whispered."I need to tell Alex not to give up hope, and that we're here." I whispered. "Okay, let me do something..." Christian said reaching for his pocket. He pulled out a pen and throw it into the room, it made a echo. Alex looked up. His eyes met mine, I mouthed the words you alone? And he nodded. "Alex!" I cried rushing to his side. "Are you okay?""Yeah... I see you're already saved." Alex mumbled raising his eyebrows at Christian. "Hey." Christian said, winking at Alex and strutting his way in. "Enough talk, let's get out of here." Christian said reaching for my hand. I let him take it. "Excuse me, but that's my girlfriend." Alex mumbled. "Alex, it's fine. He kinda has to take my hand cause I don't know where I'm going. Here you take my other hand." I smiled. "No. I'm fine." Alex snapped. "Guys! Let's get going." Christian whispered. We ran. Christian was great at looking after us. Making sure we were all there. I was really enjoying this. We were breaking lot's of rules.

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