Chapter 5

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A/N This part was HIGHLY edited by yours truly :) it was so damn confusing when I read it I couldn't help myself ;)


'Hello Lushia.' A voiced laughed.

'Justin?!' I screamed in shock at his voice again. I was naked and freezing.

'You'll pay for leaving me!' Justin growled.

'I wouldn't do anything bad to me if I were you, I'm pregnant.' I said rubbing my tummy.
'Who's the father?!' Justin screeched. 'Have you been out with other boys?! Lushia, you should have known I'll always be your one and only.'
'No you won't! Danny, will always be the father and you can't change that. And yes I have been with another boy and you can't change the past!' I screamed back.
'We'll have to do it the hard way then.' Justin grinned reaching his hand out, it touched my breast.
'Hey, can you do me a favour? Get my clothes and put them on? I hate being naked in front of you.'
'No, I love it.'
His nails scratched my body.
'Ouch.' I whispered.
'Oh, sorry. I hurt you. Please forgive me.' Justin said suddenly concerned.
'You filthy son of a b*tch.' I despised him. I wouldn't fall for his arbitrary ways again.
'I am really sorry, look I left a mark. My nails aren't even that long.' Justin said, a tear falling from his eye. Fake. From the inside out.
'You think I can't take pain from a scratch that didn't even draw blood?'
He leaned in for a kiss. I dodged just in time. 'NO! You stay away from me!' I protectively held up my hands.
'I'm gonna keep trying.'
'Cause, I still love you.'
'What a shame. Well I f*cking hate you, so it's not gonna work.'
'Why not?' he dropped his head.
'Oh I dunno, because you f*cking KIDNAPPED me!?'

'I'm sorry, but I will get you, Lushia. I want you more than anything in the world. Happy 15th Birthday from a year ago." He smiled. "October 17th."
"You remembered my age?" I asked my eyes getting wide. He's a f*cking stalker.
"How could I forget? Two years since you broke up with me. So I got you two presents to make up for those birthdays I missed." He handed me a ring and a bracelet. The ring had 'Lushia' engraved in it and the bracelet had 1 charm on it. "The ring is your wedding ring. Will you marry me?"
"No!! Justin, I will not marry you.. I'm under age!"
"Your baby needs a daddy and you will be with me forever."
"My baby has Danny, and I will not be with you forever." I spat.
"And the bracelet is for you to put charms on that I have here." He held up a bag of charms, about 1,000 in the bag. "Put one on each day."
"I'm not spending one more day with you Justin! And you know that. You filthy piece of sh*t."
"You love me, don't you?"
"I will never love you Justin... I never make the same mistake twice. And falling for your charm was a tragedy. Never. Gonna. F*cking. Happen. Again." Most girls liked him, he was good looking. Light brown hair with greeny blue eyes, perfect, his personality ruined it though. "Why don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean look at you, you're stunning." I mumbled
"I dated a lot of girls before I met you. I hated them all, never suited me. But when I met you I felt different. I thought it was love at first sight. But when you broke up with me I never dated anyone else. I couldn't I didn't love them. Not as much as I loved you. I could never move on from you. I loved you too much, my parents thought I was turning mad, I would cry myself to sleep every night after you left me. They wanted me to see the doctor. They were no support. So I ran away to try and find you. And here you are!" My jaw hit the ground.
"You bastard! You f*cking dick! Trying to pull me back into your love life again. You never loved me, the main reason I broke up with you is because you were cheating on me. I told everyone I broke it off cause you were getting too comfortable."
"I was not cheating on you! Why would I? I love you?!"
"Really, then tell me why you were kissing that girl..." A tear rolled down my cheek, "I loved you too."
"That was my sister... Her best friend just moved away. She was crying, I gave her a small kiss."

"Yes, and I'm sorry, your mum will never wake up from her coma.""What?! How do you know!!!???" I screamed."Cause, I murdered her." He said looking innocent."You bastard, you fucking bastard.""I may have stabbed her while she was in her coma. Classic eh? Made it look like she killed herself, put the knife in her hand pointing into her heart and I even wrote a note:Dear ReaderBy the time you are reading this I will be long gone. I have killed myself for I have missed somewhat 2 years of my life, there is no point living now when everyone thinks I'm already dead. I would like to say goodbye to Lushia my loving daughter, Kate and Jack for looking after her while I was 'asleep'. Don't worry this isn't going to make pain to anyone for I was already gone. I love you all. Thank you for reading. X"Why?" I asked bursting into tears. "Because I loved you too much, and with your mum was causing you to much stress, I wanted you put you out of your sadness..." He managed a smile but I looked away."If I said I trusted you, you wouldn't believe me. Would you?" I asked."No, not really..." "Well, news flash, Justin I did...! And I cared a lot about you. The fact that you murdered my mum for me is confusing. Do you care about me? Or want me to suffer?" I asked."I care too much about you, Lushia. That I'm taking to murdering people, even if they mean a lot to you..""Who else have you killed...?""No one, yet. Just your mum." He said looking rather proud. 

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