Chapter 22

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Ever since Lushia and Danny got away from me, I had so ever wanted to get my revenge on them. I had been all over the internet until I found where they lived. I was walking towards the house when I saw Lushia looking at me out the window, I don't think she realized who I was though. I kept my head down and knocked on the door, it was opened by Lushia. As I looked up i saw her stumble backwards and say my name in an alarmed way, I don't think she was expecting me.

"Why are you here?" asked Danny defensively.

I grinned "I am here to get revenge for what you did to me"

"What we did to you? You kidnapped me!" Shouted Lushia

"Hush child, all is well with the world" I laughed

They looked at me, scared. I just decided to get it over with so I pulled out a gun and aimed it at Danny

"Please, we don't mean trouble. Let's just be friends" He begged but I didn't listen.

The fire of the gun sent him onto the ground

"Danny!" Lushia shreeked

"Lushia, you can either come with me and live with me forever.... Or come to the same end as Danny there"

She looked nervous.

"Make your decision" I was mad now

"I will never come with you" Tears were streaming down her face

"Very well" I pulled the trigger and soon she was on the ground too. I knew I would be caught so I did what I planned to do. I kissed Lushia then shot myself. It hurt. But I was happy, I had finally gotten my revenge. The three of us lay there, in pools of blood. I was happy with how my life turned out. It was great.

A/N I THINK RACH STOLE MY LINE! Whenever someone asks me how life is I always say "Life's great." or I just randomly say it in the most random times! WOW! I'm just gonna go ask her if she got that from me brb real quick...



I ran over to Rachel's house and knocked on the door. Her Mum answered.

"Oh, Alex.... Why are you here?" She asked confused.

"My parents said I could see Rachel one last time... to say goodbye to her."

Rachel's Mum was a very understanding woman so she just smiled and showed me up to Rachel's room (like I didn't already know where it was)

I opened the door and when I saw Rachel I ran over and hugged her. The door closed and Rachel and sat down on her bed.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She sighed

"I just.... Things are so hard now."

"What do you mean?" I was confused

"Well, we are 16 and we aren't even really allowed outside, at school, I have gone from being a normal kid to the one known for running away with you and.... I just wish things were easier!"

I knew what she meant, things we so unusual.

"Well, the reason I came here is to say bye to you"

She hugged me and cried and cried.

"I will always miss you" I gave her a small kiss

I left her house feeling sad. I walked through the front door to find horrible sight. Bodies and blood everywhere. I realized that two of the the bodies were my parents, I screamed.

Rachel's parents, followed by Rachel came running in. Rachel ran off at the sight of all that blood and her parents were kneeling down next to the bodies.

I don't really know what happened after that but I remember Rachel's parents calling the police at one point.

The next thing I knew was me waking up in Rachel's family's spare bedroom, my head hurt.

"Are you alright?" Asked Rachel looking seriously worried.

"No" I said "My parents are gone! Forever!!!"

"Calm down" She said, my parents have got the police involved. Oh and by the way, that extra person was Justin, you know, the one who kidnapped your Mum when she was younger.

"Don't talk about her!"


I sighed. "What will I do?"

She just smiled at me and left the room. I followed. She took my hand. Her skin was soft.
"Alex, I love you. So much."
"I-I love you too." I smiled.
"Stop the stutter." She laughed.

I laughed too, it felt good to laugh.

She kissed me and left the room. I lay there, wondering what would happen, I didn't have any relatives that I knew of and I couldn't live alone.

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