Chapter 30

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I didn't know what happened. The men were all pointing their guns at me, I told them to shoot. My life wasn't the greatest. My parents were dead, I was going to be in big, big trouble and I was just ruining everyone's life. So what if Rachel would be upset if I died, she'd get over it. The closest guy to me put his hand on the trigger, I closed my eyes and looked away... this was it. I heard a loud bang, and I felt myself fall to the ground. Ouch!

There was a cry of pain... but it wasn't from me. I'd expected I'd be unable to move.. Or at least dizzy. But I was none of those things. I tried to make my voice croaky like they do in the movies as they died but no one came. I sat up slowly. Rachel and Conner were both lying on the floor but the men with guns were nowhere to be seen. I looked at myself, no blood. But there was blood all over Conner and he wasn't moving. Rachel was

breathing so I guessed she had just fainted.

The ambulance came not long after that and took Conner away, Rachel and I were taken in a second one. When Rachel woke up, later. She looked at me in surprise. She ran over to me and hugged me tight.

"You're alive!!!!"

"Yeah..." I mumbled

"I thought you were dead! But you're alive!"

"Conner might not be..."

"What?! Conner!"

"Sorry Rachel.... He died to save me."

Her eyes welled up with tears, "first Christian now Conner."

"We're cursed." I smiled. She let out a chuckle. A kissed me. Unfortunately, just as we kissed, her parents came into the room.

"What are you two doing?" Gasped her Mum.

Rachel looked at them guiltily "Sorry, we were just-"

"Come on." Ordered her Dad

We got into the car and it drove off.

"We heard that you were with a jail breakout. And that he died....For you, Alex." Growled her Dad

"Well... yeah" I mumbled. 

"And then we walk in the room to find you two kissing!" Added her Mum.

I looked at Rachel, she was blushing.

"Should I?" I whispered, she nodded.

"Well, we have been dating ever since we ran away." I told them.

"Go on..." Urged her Mum.

"And we didn't tell you guys because you wouldn't approve."

Her parents looked at each other, then her Dad smiled.

Rachel took this opportunity to tell them more, eve. though I was signalling for her not to.

"And.... we might have had sex." She muttered.

"What?! Are you out of your minds. You are 16 years old! What were you thinking?!" Screamed her Mum.

"We..we...we.." stuttered Rachel.

"I can't believe you two... this is way out of control!" Her Dad shook his head.

Later that night I found Rachel in her room, crying.

"I shouldn't have told them." she wailed. A/N No shit Sherlock.

"It's fine." I reassured her "We'll be fine."

"Do you think we should have? Do you think we are ruining our lives?"

"Who cares!" I laughed "If we are, then ruining our lives is great!"

She scowled, "If you say so."

I put my hand on her shoulder. "

Do you want to break up?"

"What?! Of course not!"

I sighed with relief. "Then just be happy that we are together."

She laughed. "You're so cheesy!"

I smiled and kissed her, I didn't care if her parents saw.... She was great and I never wanted to stop being with her. I loved her so much and whatever happened I would stay with her. Forever.


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