Chapter 23

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After a few days, Rachel came in, holding two big bags.

I smiled at her and asked

"What are those for?"

"You!" She said, very happy

After I looked confused she said

"We're moving because.... You can't stay in our spare bedroom forever"

It took a while for me to process this, I knew I couldn't stay with them but how did that have anything to do with the them moving house.

Rachel smiled at my very confused face.

"You need at proper room and we are moving into a bigger house so you can have a proper room"

"Wait... are you saying that I am living with you?"

"Well yeah!" she laughed. "What else would I be saying, now get out of bed and go to the car, I'm not carrying you!" I slowly got out of bed.

"About time sleeping beauty." She giggled. And grabbed my hand. I stood up. "Um, I didn't know you weren't wearing clothes..."
"Oh, I forgot I was naked." I laughed. She chucked me a top and pants and undies.

I quickly put them on, and ran outside to the car. Rachel's parents smiled at me and put my bag in the boot.

"How are you sweety?" Rachel's mum asked.

"I'm fine thanks." I smiled. She gave me a hug.
"Stay strong." She smiled back. Her hugs were nice but Rachel's were better. I liked smelling Rachel's hair every time we did hug.

"Come on Alex." Rachel grinned, grabbing my hand. We sat in the back seat together and the car started driving away. She whispered something in my ear.

"I love you, so much. Don't forget it."
"Why are you whispering?" I whispered back.
"Cause I don't want my parents to know that we're dating.." She whispered.

I nodded, if I was to live with them, that would be awkward.

When we were about half way there, Rachel fell asleep with her head on my shoulder, and I just sat there, thinking about my life.

Slowly I fell asleep too.

I woke up to Rachel's Mum

"Alright kids! How about we stop off to have some dinner before going to our hotel rooms!"

"Yes please, I'm soooo hungry" Moaned Rachel

I nodded and soon we were at a restaurant eating dinner.

"So.... Tell me. What do you want your rooms to look like in the new house?" Rachel's Mum (who's name was Karen) Asked us happily.

Rachel looked at me then said

"Just like my old one"

They looked at me so I said

"Nothing like my old one, something completely different" They smiled and said

"Ok, we'll do that then"

When we arrived at the hotel they asked us

"So what room arrangement should we do? We have the options as as many rooms as you want"

I looked at the options, room with double bed, room with two single beds, room with bed and couch.

"What do you want Rachel?" I needed her help

"Room with two single beds."

"Ok, you two can have that and we'll have another room" Her Dad (who's name was Pete) Said, giving the man behind the counter his credit card.

When we got into our room I dropped my bag on the floor and laid down on one of the beds.

"This is so exciting!" Rachel squealed "I never stayed in a hotel before"

I smiled at her before realizing that I had never stayed in one either.

Rachel began flipping through a booklet

"Ooh, let's go down to the buffet and get some dessert"
She grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room.

We ate until we were so full of food I could hardly walk. I stumbled into the room and lay down on my bed. Rachel turned on the TV and put it on full volume. This girl was hyper. A/N No shit Sherlock

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