Chapter 24

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I loved hotels, they were so fancy. I looked at Alex, lying down, full of food. I smiled at him, he was funny. I was so glad he was going to live with us, it was like a dream come true. I took off my top.
"Ew it's so hot in here." I laughed. I saw Alex trying to avert his eyes from my bra.

"I hope our new house is nice" He mumbled, trying to change the topic.

I just laughed again and sat down on a chair.

Suddenly the door opened and in came my Mum, I ran into the bathroom and slammed the door. I could hear Alex and Mum talking but their voices were muffled. When I was sure she had gone I came back out, and burst into a fit of laughter. "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahehehehehehehehehehehehehehahahahahahahahahehehehehahahahahahehehehehahahahahehehehahahehahahehehehehehahahahahehehahahahehehe." I laughed.

Alex gave me a cheesy smile. I loved his smile.
"Calm down lady." He giggled. I loved his giggle.

I sat down on my bed and sighed, life was so good for me right now, and I didn't want anything to ruin it.

"Let's push our beds together" Said Alex "So it will be like a double bed?"

I smiled and started pushing my bed towards his.

When night arrived, I started putting my nighty on. Alex was already in his Pajamas and was lying in bed. I got into bed too and lay there. I thought Alex was asleep but he wasn't.
"Hey, Rachel. What happened to Conner?" He asked.
"He's still in jail." I mumbled. "Sadly." I added.
"Well, I never really liked him but I can see you did"

I got a little annoyed at this comment

"You know Alex, I am allowed to like other boys, I don't have to stay with you and never like anyone else"

"Sorry" He mumbled "I just love you so much and I don't want you to go away from me" He kissed me but I didn't say anything, I loved Alex, I really did but he was so over protective of me, and I just wanted him to know he was always my favourite.
And besides, I only like Conner as a friend.

When I woke up Alex was gone. On the desk,

there was a note saying: Gone for Breakfast. Be back soon.

I felt like crying, I had wasted my chances with Alex, he probably hated me. But I was right, wasn't I?

Instead of making a fuss, I just got dressed and waited for him to come back.

When the door finally opened and he walked in, I ran up to him and hugged him

"I'm so sorry Alex, I was a bit rude but I just felt as if you hated anyone that I also liked."

He kept his head down and mumbled

"No, I shouldn't have kept you all to myself, I was selfish and.... I love you!" He kissed me then flopped down on the bed.

I sighed, all was good again. At least I thought so.

"This is weird" Alex stood back up.

"What is?" I was confused, but he looked stressed.

"Us, we are dating but we will live together, your parents are sure to find out" When I didn't say anything he continued

"And what happens when we break up? Things will be even more awkward and....." I interrupted him

"I know but it will work out, I promise" I was desperate, was he suggesting we break up? But we just sorted things out between us.

"No, it won't. It's not like we will get married or so. We don't have to break up, just not be too close."

I held my breath, I loved him but he was right.


He smiled then started to pack his bag. I helped him then packed mine and before long, we were back on our way to the new house.

I fell asleep again and only woke up when we pulled up outside and old, creepy looking house.
I tried to smile at my parents but I must have not done a very good job of hiding my disappointment because my Mum said

"I'll be alright, we'll learn to love it"

"Your bedroom are next to each others, upstairs to your left." Said my Dad, breaking the silence.

Alex and I trudged up the creaky old wooden steps and turned left. Before us stood two doors. One had some pink paint that was chipping and the other one was just plain. When I walked into mine, I was met with a horrible smell. My room was like a horror movie, a dark, musty room. And no way out. I knocked on Alex's door. He opened it, looking unhappy.

"I know, it's bad. But we need to look happy, for Mum."

He nodded and let me in his room. It was worse than mine.

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