Chapter 29

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Alex was acting weird. He would look out this window for hours on end, and every now and again, he would become very focused on something out there.

"What are you looking at?" I finally asked. Alex sat up straight in surprise as if he forgot I was there

"Oh... That.... Um.... Just looking at...... THE WEATHER!"

I raised my eyebrows at him, surely he wasn't that crazy. Suddenly the door burst open and Rachel came in, in tears.

"What's wrong?" Asked Alex as he ran over to her.

"We... We... We need to go... NOW!"

"Why?" I asked, concerned.

"Someone is.... Watching us! And we need to get out."

"Oh" Alex looked at his feet. I looked at them both.

"Wait, you knew about this Alex? And you never told us?!"

"Ok... so maybe I did, but I didn't know anything for sure... sorry guys."

"We could have been dead by now! You are so heartless!"

I bit my lip, and picked up my suitcase (which I had packed three times from boredom today... luckily)

We caught a taxi to some place I had never seen before, but I felt like I knew it.

"Let's go." She said to me

"Where are we?" I asked.

Alex shrugged and looked away.

"Sophie's beach house." Rachel said, opening the door and walking inside. It was fancy! No like a beach house at all!

"There is two bedrooms." Rachel told me "And I am with you."

Alex looked away, pretending not to care, but I could tell he was upset.

Later that night, I gathered up the courage to talk to Rachel.

"You know Rach, maybe you should forgive Alex, for his sake, for my sake."

"Why should I?" She bellowed "He could of had us killed, but does he care? NO!"

I breathed out heavily. "Are you guys still dating?"

Her eyes narrowed to slits, "depends on how well he behaves...."

I could help laughing at that comment.


I looked at my feet "Never mind..."

"What do you want?" She asked sternly.

I was about to tell her to go, and not be mad at Alex. I knew he was in his bed lonely at that moment, and was going to tell her to keep him company and forgive him. But then I looked at her pretty face, with gorgeous hair, flowing behind her. So I said

"It's all good." And got into bed, trying not to think about poor Alex.



I was so mad at Alex! He could have had us killed... or a least in big, big trouble!

I sighed deeply, should I apologize?

When I woke up, I came up with an answer to my question, No! I won't apologize for his wrong!

While we ate breakfast, he looked away from me. I glared at my cereal, corn flakes. The soggy pieces looked up at me, so I looked at Conner instead. He was looking sad, like he wanted to do something but he could bring himself to. Eventually he asked

"what are we doing today, guys?"

"Don't care, as long as it's not with Alex." I mumbled.

Alex obviously understood me because a single tear rolled down his cheek, and he tried to hide it.

But Conner looked confused. I didn't think telling him the truth would be any good so I just said,

"I said, we should just stay here. To be safe."


Later that day, Alex came into my room.

"Listen Rachel, I'm sorry. I just didn't want to scare you... that's all."

I sighed, I should forgive him... shouldn't I?

"Next time tell me. I'm not a baby, I can handle it!"

He smiled. "Sure thing."

Suddenly a blood curdling scream came from the living room. We ran there to find three men in black outfits, armed with guns, pointing them a Conner.

"Conner!" I screamed.

"Let him go!" Ordered Alex.

Then they stopped and lowered their guns, walked over to Alex and I and aimed their guns at Alex instead.

I felt dizzy, what was happening? How could a relaxing holiday go this bad?

"Shoot me! I don't care, as long as you let Rachel and Conner go." Alex stepped forward.

"No!!!!" I cried but Alex smiled.

The only thing I remember after that is a gun being fired. And a cry of pain. 

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