Chapter 9 - 15 years later

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A/N My friend (Rachel) named Rachel after herself, and Alex is an actual guy too named after Alex xD

15 years later.

"Alex. What if our parents see?" Rachel asked nervously

"Don't worry they won't" I replied, at least I hoped the wouldn't.

I was our birthday, our 15th birthday and I was climbing out my bedroom window. Rachel, who lived next door was standing below me on the grass, waiting.

"Please, It is freezing out here and I want to go inside" She moaned

"No" I replied "I have been basically trapped in here because of what happened with my Mum, when she was about my age."

"She got kidnapped, I know" Rachel said sounding rather bored "Just don't kill yourself while climbing out that window"

I got out the window, climbed down the tree nearby and landed on the ground. I signaled for Rachel to follow me behind the house but she looked nervous. She had never been anywhere without people knowing where she was before.
"Stop being a baby and come on" I said annoyed
"Hey! Don't call me a baby or I will stick this gum in your hair." She said, now fed up.

If there is one thing about Rachel that I can't stand, it is her quick anger, other than that, she was perfect in every way, and her love of gum was interesting. She had beautiful blonde hair with highlights of brown and bluey greeny grey eyes. I had blonde hair and a very British accent.

"Alex.. Do you like me?" Rachel asked nervously
"What? Of course I do, Rachel you're my bestie for life." I smiled.
"No.. Like more than that."

I stopped, I had often thought about that question. Do I really like her? Do I even love her? She looked at me, her eyes twinkling like stars. I bent over to kiss her.
"There, what do you think of that?" I asked watching her eyes get wide.
"That you're a good kisser..." She mumbled turning away.
"Hey, why the sad face? I thought you would like that."
"Who says I didn't, it's just... Does that mean you love me?"
"Well... Yes, I guess." I mumbled.
"Well it's sad we can't be together then." She laughed taking my hand, her skin was like silk.
"What do you mean?" I asked. Looking confused.
"Hey, don't make that face, you know it gets my hormones going everywhere!"

"Really? Well let's feel what really goes on inside there." I said her arms around my waist and tickling her."
"Stop it! I'll pee my pants." She giggled.
"How old are you?" I asked.
"The same age as you." She managed to squeak.
"Then would a 15 year old really be peeing her pants."
"Shut up! And kiss me." She grinned showing all her perfectly braced teeth.

I did kiss her again, then we both just stood there like idiots

"Come on" I told her "the sun is rising, we better go"

"OK." She said finally then we both ran off down the street.

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