Chapter 3

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A/N I edited a part of this and wrote a part of this, and if there is anything sexual in this chapter then one of my ANNOYING friends put it back in! I edited out as much of that as I could ;) Happy reading!


I had finally done it, I had kissed him! His lips softer than his skin. He was so good at kissing I had no idea. I thought he would be horrible, slobbery and gross. Nothing like that. Nice calm and gentle. It was when he put his hand down my bra that I stopped.

'Oi, that place is out-of-bounds!'

'What? Since when? It's all you.'

'We aren't even boyfriend or girlfriend only pretending...'

'Well, will you be my proper girlfriend?'

'Eh, no. Yes, of course, I will you silly boy.' I said tapping his nose. He reached over and kissed me again, just as Kate walked in.

'What are you two doing?! In bed together? Danny, you were really close to her face!' Kate screamed

'We're doing work together mum, and I thought she had some food on her face...' Danny stuttered.
'Excuse me?!' I mumbled but Kate didn't hear.
'Well, as long as you're doing work it's all good..' Kate sighed and walked out.
'Do I have something on my face?' I asked blushing.
'Nah, babe only beauty.' Danny giggled.
'Stop being so cheesy.'
'Anything for you.'

'Sorry my love.'
'Dude, you're worse than Justin.'
'Justin? Who's he?!' Danny asked, suddenly serious.
'My ex... He was the cheesiest person ever and whenever I said you're being too cheesy he would say I'm the cheese to your macaroni'
'Why did you dump him?'
'He was getting too carried away with love... Forcing me to get in bed with him. So I left him.'

'That's odd. I'm not forcing you... Am I?'
'Nah. I don't mind anyway. You're a great kisser and you stop when I tell you too.'
'As long as you love me. I will be your slave' Danny laughed making a saluting sign.
I giggled and snuggled up under his pit.

'Are you okay? You seem tired...' He whispered.
'No! Tried? Are you insane. I am NOT tired.' I laughed moving on top of him.
'Why hello there.' He grinned.
'Hello.' I said making a kissy face.
He leaned forward to make that kissy face reach his lips.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to go for a walk." I really needed some air.

"Ok, as you please, m'lady." He bowed and opened the front door for me.

"Thanks." I tapped his nose.

"Love you!"

Taking a deep breath of the cool summer air, this was really what I needed. I knew that there was a park close, with a nice garden that I'd always meant to explore, but never gotten around to it. I would do it now.

The trees were swaying in the gentle breeze, as if taking deep breaths. Gravel crunching under my feet, I was pondering why I'd never done this before. The benches were small, yet very quaint, the air fresh, the sun shining weakly through the tree canopy. This was amazing. It seemed like I walked for five minutes, but peering at my watch it had been two hours. I had to get back.

Walking through the door I was greeted by Danny. He flashed a smile and tugged me into a room.

The next thing knew he was kissing me all over.


"Yes, I'm afraid so." The doctor looked at his clipboard again.

"No this can't be? I'm only 15. Not ready to be a mum, ugh promise you won't tell MY care-giver?"

"I'm terribly sorry Lushia. I can't do anything about it. I promise I won't tell your Mum though. We have a lot of under age kids coming in pregnant and asking not to tell their parents so don't worry."

"Oh, we won't tell your caregiver, we would like to know the dad, though."

I took a deep breath. This can't be happening! Pregnant to Danny's child? A tear slipped out of my eye. "Ok then." I gloomily walked out.

I went straight home. Pushing past Danny, I went into our bedroom, and looked into the full length mirror. I placed my shaking, cold hand on my stomach. There was a lump there that definitely hadn't been there before.

I really started crying now. Pregnant. The thought scared me.

"What's wrong, m'lady?"

"PREGNANT! THAT'S WHAT!" I cried as another tear fell on my shirt.
"What?! This can't be happening. I don't want to be a dad yet."

"I've just been for the test. It's written in black and blue. I begged the doctor, he said he can't do anything."

Danny's eyes began to water. "I can't believe this. What will Kate say?"
"She's not going to know, hopefully."


"Uh, you shut up okay? We'll deal with that later."

He breathed deeply. Sitting down on the carpet next to me, he wrapped his arm around my shaking shoulders.
"It's going to be ok." He whispered.

"No it's not. Pregnant at fifteen?"

"I know it's scary, but this is what's happened. We have to accept it. This little one is lucky to have such an incredibly brave mother."

"And a caring, funny, playful father."

We both burst into tears, all over the new carpet.

The strolls in the park became a recent for Me. It was my only way of escape from reality, for a few short moments.

But one daily walk in the park turned to custard! An arm gripped my shoulder. By instinct I tried to pull the arm off, but it held. Hard. I turned around, and almost had a heart attack in shock. His cold, dark eyes stared into mine. Smirking, he pulled me away. Justin.

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