Chapter 15

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A/N We're going from one extreme to the other! The other past few I've had to put together, but I had to split this one in half! xD


Alex was lovely. I never wanted to leave him, I knew he'd always be there for me not matter what, I just wanted him to say it so I could feel better.

"I love you, forever and always." He smiled. I smiled back. I can't believe we just had a mini fight over. Nothing really. It was just silly.
"Uh, what's the time." I asked. Suddenly curious.
"It's 9:30. How long did that officer spend?! We should grab something to eat and head to bed." Alex rushed. Looking at his watch.
"Yeah, as long as there's food happening you don't care about anything." I laughed, rolling my eyes.
"Hey! Are you calling me fat...?" Alex asked, looking at his belly.
"You fat? Never in a million years. You've got a six pack." I laughed. He laughed too.

"Okay, okay let's get something to eat."
"What'd we have.?''
"Dunno. Look. I would be... I can't really..." I mumbled, nudging my crutches.
"Oh, right. I've got it don't worry." Alex grinned. He made scrambled eggs, not my favourite but it was all that we had. "We need to go shopping tomorrow. And take you to the doctors. Like they said Minor Injury Comeback Say Monday Hopefully We Can Have That Cast Removed. Can we go to the doctors first? I really need a helping hand around here."
"Yeah, I want to be a helping hand." I smiled.
"You finished?" Alex asked pointing to my empty plate.
"Okay, I'll clean up." Alex sighed.
"Oh gosh, sorry!" I cried.
"Nah, I've got it. All good babe. You just need to relax." He smiled, taking my plates over to the sink. He washed them while I watching in despair. "Okay, let's get you to bed then." He said picking me up.
"You know I have crutches..." I whispered.
"Yeah, I know. It just ruins me to see you using them." Alex puffed. "Gosh, am I getting weaker or are you getting heavier?"
"Who know's." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Alright here we are." He puffed chucking me gently onto the bed. "Are you going to sleep like that or want me to help you get changed?"
"What do you want?" I grinned.
"To help you get changed. Of course." Alex winked. He helped me get changed, it was awkward at first but he was a really big help. He stared a bit, which was off-putting, but it was fine.
"Alright, you ready for bed?" He asked, like he just hadn't seen me totally naked.
"Yeah. Goodnight." I grinned.
I slept in for too long, by the time I awoke Alex wasn't in bed and the time was 3:00pm.
"Alex?!" I shouted. I couldn't get out of bed, I had left my crutches in the living room.
"Yes, my love?" Alex shouted back.
"Uh, I can't get out of bed." I laughed.
"Oh right. I'm coming." He said running into view. "There we are." He laughed picking me up. He was treating me like a little sister. It annoyed me, I couldn't wait to get my cast off.

When we arrived at the doctors they said that I would need to keep the cast on a little longer, and that I wasn't eating enough. I looked at my body, It had definitely gotten thinner.

"You look beautiful." He said, when he saw what I was doing.
"Why, thank you." I sighed. My leg was killing me.
"Anytime." He grinned. "Here, I made you lasagna. I hope you like it."
"Oh, Alex it's wonderful."
"Anything for you Rachel."
"Oh thanks, Alex. But I'm not hungry."
"Well, sorry but you have to eat. The doctor's said you need to eat more. Apologies young one." Alex smiled handing me the plate of food.
The food was okay, no one can say Alex is really a good cook.
"Like it?" He asked.
"Love it." I lied.
"What's up?" He asked looking into my eyes.
"I just wanna fly away." I mumbled.
"Where to?" He asked. Finding this funny.
"I dunno, just feel like flying somewhere." I laughed. "Don't let me down, aye babe?"
"Whatever you want, whatever you say."
"I need you." I smiled.
"I need you too." He smiled back.
"What you wanna do?" I asked, suddenly bored.
"Who knows." Alex mumbled pulling a face. "I swear that the doctor was lying when he said a couple more days until the cast should be removed. It's pure bullshit.
"Yeah." I whimpered.

What the doctors said turned out to be true, after a few days, my cast was off. I was so happy to be using my leg again but the doctors said to rest it for a bit and come back every week to see how it's going.

I sat down on the couch next to Alex.

"Let's just watch TV." Alex said.
"Okay, whatever you say." I mumbled. As he turned on the tv, he changed to this horror movie channel. But it wasn't very good. We didn't have cable, so the tv was always freezing.
"Alex, did you hear that?" I asked, grabbing his hand.
"No... Hear what?" He asked, giving my hand a little squeeze.
"That sound, it was like a grown man. I think he was saying something. I don't know what though." I stuttered. My hands went cold.
"Hey, It's probably someone working here. Nothing to be scared of. Your hands are freezing, here let me warm them up for you." He said rubbing my hands together with his. I could tell he was scared, I could hear it in his voice.
"Oh my, someone just knocked on the door." I cried.
"I'll get it." Alex said. I could feel him shaking.
"Sorry to disturb you this fine hour. But we have had a couple of men enter a building with guns. If you could turn the lights off and lock the doors and not make any loud and sudden movements. That would be grand, thank you and have a nice day." A lady said. She moved onto the next house, she looked 100 times as scared as me.
"Oh, thank you." Alex called down the street.
"Shh, quiet!" She snapped, putting her finger to her lips.
"Okay, sorry." Alex whispered. He walked back inside. "Well, I should lock the doors and turn the lights off."
"Um, yeah." I whispered. "This is really, scary..."
"Ya think?" Alex whispered, closing the blinds. "Woah so dark." I mumbled. I loved the dark.
"I know right." Alex said looking worried as he had finished locking the doors. "What do you think's happening?"
"Who knows. I don't want to. I just want to survive." I sighed.
"Oh, Rachel you will survive, I'll make sure you do!" Alex smiled. I wanted to laugh but I didn't want to make any loud sounds and my laugh is really loud.

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