Chapter 8

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"Lushia!" Danny laughed.
"Danny." I giggled.
"Oh I love you m'lady."
"Hehe, let's get out of here.."
"What?" I asked.
"I want to kill Justin."

"No! Danny, no."

"I won't rest knowing that he's still out there. Wait, you still have feelings for him?" Danny asked eyeing me up.
"No, a little. Okay, but not that much. I love you."
"Please can I kill him? I have the shovel!" Danny asked grinning.
"No, can we just get out of here. The baby's going to have gone through a lot..." I giggled.
We left, Danny wanted to set the place on fire but we didn't have anything to start one. He carried me all the way home after that.


"Mum! Look who I found." Danny beamed walking through the front door. "Mum?""Kate?" I asked. "Mum? Are you home...?" No reply. "Where is she?" Danny asked turning to me."How would I know? I've been missing for like 23 hours.. Check her room.""Okay, you coming?" "I guess..."We walked upstairs to her room. But there was no one there. Apart from a body, lying on the bed. Blood everywhere."MUM!?" Danny screamed bursting into tears."Another victim. But who by?" I asked."Quick, call 111!" Danny screamed, ignoring my question. ***********"Shit. I can't do this." I shouted. Danny was squeezing my hand but I had no strength to squeeze back."Just one more push ma'am." The doctor said. Calmly."Come one princess you can do this!" Danny smiled. "ARRRRGH!" I screamed, I pushed so hard. "It's a boy!" The doctor exclaimed. "Wow. A baby boy." Danny grinned. I sighed."Congrats guys. What are you going to call him?" The doctor laughed."...Alex..." I said. So out of breathe."Hm, hold on. There's a patient next door who I thinks giving birth right now.""Well, that's cute." Danny smiled kissing my hand. Moments later the doctor walked in."Yes! The kind couple have just given birth. It's a girl and her name's Rachel.""That's so sweet." I said happily.

A/N There's about to be a 15 years later so I thought I should end it here

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