Chapter 10

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Ok, I've known Alex ever since I was born. He is like a brother to me, and our parents have become good friends. We were born on the same day, (8th of July) today; so we have always had our parties together. But for some reason when we got older I started to feel a little weird when we played together, or even just talked. When he invited me over that morning I didn't really want to go. Alex has always been a bit of a daredevil, I was myself when I was younger. But when my Mum told me that Alex's Mum got kidnapped by her ex-boyfriend when she was our age, I didn't want to leave the house.

"Come on," said Alex.

I hesitated then just asked "Alex do you like me?" I had always had a crush on him, and I guess that is why I felt so weird around him.

"Yeah, you will always be my bestie." was his reply, my stomach dropped.

"No." I said, "like more than that." he stopped and thought about that, the he suddenly kissed me. I can't really remember what happened afterwards, just him kissing me again, then us running down the road together. It was all a blur now.

"Where are we going?" I asked giggling.

Alex looked around, and said, "The park."

I was surprised because his Mum got kidnapped in a park but whatever.

We sat on a bench in the park for about an hour just watching the sunset, kids running around the park and talking, happiness.

"So, why did you ask if I liked you?" he asked smiling. I froze. Should I tell him?

"Just because I wanted to know." That was all I said.

"What did you mean when you said it was sad we can't get together?"

"Um...." I said. "Our parents are really over protective because of what happened to your Mum, didn't she get pregnant at fifteen?"

"Yes" he answered.

"So, I'm guessing that my Mum doesn't want me to get pregnant at fifteen."

"Oh," he said. "Well, should we go back?"

"Yeah" I had to admit, this had been fun.

We ran back to my house because our parents were setting up the party at his house.

"So," I said awkwardly. "Do you want something to eat?"

"Nah," he replied, looking dreamily out the window.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's just, I have always hated my life and wanted to run away, but I guess I couldn't leave you, alone with our crazy parents...." I couldn't really see where he was going with this so I just said,




"I really like you, like I have thought about this for a while but I do really like you, maybe even love you so...... would you run away with me?"


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