Chapter 12

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Rachel seemed tired to me but she didn't say anything so I guess it was nothing.

"What do you think our parents are doing right now?" I asked.

Rachel looked away and said "I'm not sure but I don't like to think about how worried they'll be..."

I had made her upset.


"It's alright, I just sort of miss home." She replied, but I knew she was still mad.

We walked for a bit before I talked to her again.

"The flat is really nice, it has three bedrooms and a bathroom and a kitchen with a table!"

"Okay." she said.

I sighed. "Look, I'm sorry but... whatever."

She looked at me in shock

"What?" I asked

"Your Mum, I heard her, she's around here somewhere. So are the police!"

Suddenly I heard voices.

"Oh, what if we never find them? What if they have been kidnapped?" I heard a familiar voice say. My Mum..

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find them." That I knew was an officer.
Rachel and I looked at each other alarmed then we ran!

I'm not sure where we went, but we left, as fast as we could.
"Alex, if we're never able to see each other again. I just wanna say. I love you." Rachel said gasping for air.
"Yeah, I love you too." I gasped back. "I think we need to have sex." A/N HOLY SHIT WHAT DID MY FRIENDS WRITE?! I would edit it out but I'm a lazy shit ;)

"Wait.. What?!" She stopped running.
"I know, but we need to do it sometime."
"Alex, we're not even dating." She said, still surprised.
"No! Not oh. Isn't there something you wanna ask me?" She asked.
"No." I replied.
"Well then, until you ask me. I don't wanna do this." She turned around and headed back.
"Fine!" I sighed. "Go." She didn't reply. I suddenly missed her. I couldn't see her anymore, she had gone. "Wait, Rachel. Where are you?"

There was no answer. "Please! I'm sorry!" Still no answer.



I hated him, but I loved him. I thought he loved me but right then, I wasn't sure. I could hear him shouting;

"Come back!" and "I'm sorry!" But I ignored him. My plan was to go home, but as night fell, I became cold and wished Alex was there, with me. I woke up to heavy stomping through the bush towards me. My stomach lurched, It was Alex. Looking tired and hungry, Alex came towards me.

"Listen Rachel, I'm sorry and maybe I do have something to ask you after all" He said out of breath.

I looked at the ground so he couldn't see the big smile on my face.

"Okay..." was all I said.

Alex cleared his throat.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked, sounding very cheesy.
"Well, I guess." My blondie brown hair fell in front of my face, I blushed as Alex moved it out of my face, being really gentle.

"Shall we go then?" He asked

"Yes" I replied "Come on" and we both began to walk back into the deep forest.

I was glad we were now dating because maybe things wouldn't be so awkward between us.

We were about half way there according to Alex when it began to get dark. I wanted to go to sleep but Alex said we needed to keep going.

"But, I can hardly see..." I shivered.

"Come on." He mumbled. "Nothing bad will happen, don't worry."
"Do you even know where you're going?"
"Not really... Just trust me." He grinned. We keep walking, always looking back incase. Everything was going fine until I tripped over a tree root, it felt like I was falling through the world. It was so scary. I landed right on my ankle and a sudden pain shot up my leg. Turns out I had landed on another root that was quite spiky. The needles had gone through my leg and had reached the bone, there was blood everywhere.
"Ow!" I cried, tears reached my eyes.
"Oh my gosh, I think you may have broken it. The spikes go in quite far..." Alex's eyes widened searching the scars.

"Is it bad?" I asked, already knowing the answer

"Yeah" He replied, a worried expression crossed his face. "We have two options, we can keep going and use the small hospital in a town very near the flat, or we can go back. To use the hospital near our homes. What would you rather do?"

I didn't even have to think about that one.

"Let's keep going" I told him.

"Ok," he said, "I'll carry you."

He carried me a little bit before putting me down, resting the blanket down on me and giving me a small kiss on my cheek.

I woke up in searing pain. Alex was dabbing water on my wound. Afterwards he put a small bandage he had brought with him on my leg and picked me back up. 

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