Chapter 28

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When we had all packed up, we left to go to the hotel. It wasn't the most fancy but It would do. There was two double beds in the room and a buffet downstairs. I unpacked my bag and lay down on the bed. It was a hot day. Conner lay down next to me.

"Don't you guys have school?" He asked, suddenly sitting up.

"Yeah but we are getting a bit of break"

"After one day?"

"Yep" I mumbled, trying not to feel guilty.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I opened it to find a pretty girl, about my age standing in front of me.

"Hi, I'm Sophie" She chirped.

"Hi...?" I was confused. Why she was here?

"Why are you guys here? I'm on holiday with my family!"

I stared at her, she seemed nice enough. She was wearing a baggy shirt with words I couldn't understand on it, jeans and lots of bracelets that rattled whenever she moved. Her hair was brown, a pretty brown. And she had hazel eyes. She also had a big smile.

"Well, I'm just having a break from my parents" I smiled. She walked in, I looked at her surprised.

"Nice place, better than our one." She got a can of coke out of the fridge and opened it "My parents don't let me drink this stuff" She laughed, pouring it down her throat. Conner laughed

"I can't remember the last time I had anything like that" He also took one out of the fridge, I looked at
Alex in amazement.

"Hey! Do you guys wanna join my family for dinner? The buffet is always empty so I have no one to talk to but my boring parents." Before I could say anything Alex chirped in

"Sure, we'd love too" I glared at him but he didn't take the hint.

"Great! See you there, 5.30... even you frowny face" She pointed to me, Alex and Conner laughed. She placed her empty can on the table and left the room, her hair flowing behind her. Was I the only one who thought this girl was crazy? A/N No. You most certainly are not. 



Dinner was fun, that girl Sophie kept talking and talking about random things, but Rachel just glared at all of us the whole time. I don't think she liked her very much. Afterwards, we went back to our room.

"Sophie's nice Rachel, just talk to her." Said Conner for like the 50th time.

"She's weird, and that's all I will say."

Just then the door burst open and in came Sophie (she never knocked)

"Hey guys! Wanna hang around town with me tomorrow?

"Yes!" Screamed Conner jumping up and down.

Rachel looked at the floor

"I'll stay here."

"Suit yourself" Piped Sophie "See you two tomorrow" She pointed to Conner and I.

For the rest of the night, Rachel didn't speak much, she just looked out the window.

Town was horrible though! We went shopping we had lunch, for a while, I forgot about every bad thing that had happened until....

"Where should we go now?" Asked Sophie laughing

"Let's get ice cream!" I smiled

"Or Cake!" Conner fell on the ground giggling. But suddenly Sophie got mad

"Is that all you guys think I am? A food eating pig?!"

"What?! No!" I stuttered "We just know you like that stuff and...."

"No! Shut it!" She screeched "I'm leaving" She stormed off in the direction of the hotel. Conner looked at me, gobsmacked but neither of us said anything as we walked to our room.

"Hi" Mumbled Conner as we saw Rachel

"Having fun were you?" Rachel looked stern

"Actually Sophie kind of had a freak at us so I guess we aren't friends anymore"

Rachel's eyes lit up

"I'll go over and see her"

She came back an hour later, smiling brightly.

"Now we're friends." She exclaimed

I looked at her shocked "But I thought you hated her!"

"I guess not!" She replied cheerfully

Days went slowly after that, Rachel spent heaps of time with Sophie and Conner kept complaining to me about the unjustness of his trial and getting put in jail. I just had to hear him go on an on while I missed Rachel, this was supposed to be an excuse to spend some time together but instead I was left with a nutto and Rachel had the time of her life.

After about a week, I noticed something strange, every hour or so, the same black car would pull up outside and a man in a black outfit would get out, and hold binoculars to his eyes, I swear he was looking at our hotel every time, but I didn't know. I decided to keep this a secret from Rachel and Conner for the meantime, in case it wasn't anything after all.

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