Chapter 11

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A/N 2 chapters put together again cos I'm just the nicest person ever ;)


When I asked her that question I looked at her pretty eyes turning to shocked and all she said was:

"Um... I'm not so sure, I don't know if I want to.... I've got get changed into something suitable for the party." Then she left.

"You can think about it if you want!" I called to her as she ran up the stairs.

The party started not long after and my house was full of Rachel's friends I didn't know, so I just hung out with the friends I invited. I kept looking over at Rachel but she was obviously avoiding me. After the party I found Rachel, in my room.
"Can I help you?" I asked.
"Yes, well, no. I don't know."

"Ok...." I was very confused
"Alex, maybe I do want to run away with you. But our parent's are the only thing in the way." She sighed.
"Yeah, I know. Why don't we go now?"
"Wait... WHAT?!" She asked.
"Let go now, no one will notice.."
"What do you mean no one will notice?" He grinned.

"Everyone's too busy partying."
"Shut up and come here." She laughed pulling me down onto the bed.
"Woah girly." I smirked.
"How many times have I told you not to call me that?" She asked.

I kissed her neck, I now knew she liked me

"I guess we could run away together, but I'm still not sure." She said giggling.

"Come on!" I begged. "It will be fine, as long as we have each other."
"You cheese ball." She laughed.

"You sexy girly." I grinned. I picked her up and pushed her against the wall, she wrapped her legs around my waist.
"Maybe I will run away with you, my life isn't exactly the best at the moment"

"Great." I replied. "Let's get ready"



I don't know why I said yes to running away, but I said yes and now I was in my room deciding what to pack in my backpack. Alex said that there was a small flat that his family sometimes rented near the lake. It would only take like a few days to get there and then Alex would get a job so we could live there.

"Are you ready?" He called out the window

"Yes." I answered. "See you round the back in 10 minutes.


I stuffed my favourite clothes in the bag and some money and a book then ran out the house, grabbing a bag of chips on the way.

I met him out the back of the house

"Hi." He said.

"Hello." I said avoiding eye-contact. "Let's just go before I cry."

"Okay." He answered the started walking towards a place I had never been before.

"Well, this is a smelly place." I said looking disgusted. "Where are we?"
"I don't even know. Let's just follow the path."
"Oh no sh*t, mate." I sighed. "Oh great, someone's coming our way."
"Just look down.." Alex whispered.
"Hey, kids want some drugs?" The man asked. Alex fondled his pocket.
"How much is it?"
"$50 per bag." The man grinned.
"Here you go." Alex said handing the man a 50 dollar bill.
"Thanks." The man replied handing Alex the bag. And he left.
"Why the hell did you get those?" I screamed.
"Cause, I want this to be the best time of our lives, I love you so much, I want you to have the time of your life."


"Well, I'm not having them"

"Suit yourself." Was all he said.
"No, I might."
"I love you." He grinned.

"Love you too."


Night came and we camped out under a tree in the bush. Alex had brought a blanket so we slept under that, together.

We woke up just before sunrise, had something to eat then continued our journey. I was really tired but I didn't say anything to Alex, I don't want him to think I moan too much.

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