Chapter 17

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I loved Rachel. I was really into her. But Alex stood in the way of things. Her hands were like silk.

"Christian, what are you doing?!" I heard dad shout.
"Don't stop running!" Rachel cried. And we continued. With Joey and dad right at our feet. We rushed out the front door.
"Everyone's looking at us..." Alex mumbled.

"Well, duh. We just ran out of a mansion and with two old men chasing us. What would you do?" I panted. We were still hand in hand.
"Stop them!" I heard dad shouting. But no one bothered. "Help!"
"Are you kids okay?" An old lady asked.
"What do you think?" Rachel puffed.
"We need to hide." Alex panted.
"No sh*t, mate." I whispered. "Okay, let's hide in there." We all turned left into a small alley way. The headed through a door. It lead us into a tight hallway, we had to go one in front of the other. Christian first then me then Alex. Christian and I were still hand in hand. At the end of the hallway was a door which lead to a huge room.
"Woah." I said as Christian locked the door. "Do you own this place?" I asked.
"Hell no, I want to buy it. But dad will get suspicious, so I just hang out here. He said flicking on the lightswitch. I let go of his hand, and saw the disappointed look on his face. I looked at Alex, he looked like he was about to cry. I ran over and hugged him. He pushed me away.
"What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing." He mumbled.
"Hey! Don't get mad at her. Out of anyone be mad at me. I was flirting with her. You shouldn't be mad at her, you might lose her. Don't make that happen. She can't be replaced. One of a kind she is. So don't give her the cold-shoulder." Christian laughed. My jaw fell open. Alex said nothing.

"Woah. Thanks Christian. That's really sweet." I smiled. I wanted to see if Alex would let me hug him again but I wasn't to sure if I should.
"Anyway. I better get you two home." Christian sighed.
"We have no home." Mumbled Alex.
"Yes we do... The flat?" I asked.
"It was due for us to leave today." Alex sighed.
"Oh, we're homeless.." I sighed. I shook me to say that.
"We'll we could spend time here?" Christian offered.
"Christian, we don't wanna make too much trouble." I sighed.
"Oh, you won't." Christian laughed. He had a great sense of humor. "Now, you kids must be hungry."
"Kids?" Alex asked.

"Sorry, bad habit I'm in, I'll be right back. Just going to get you guys something."
"Look, Alex. It's not what you think. I love you and you only." I sighed, giving Alex a hug after Christian had left.
"Really? I just thought you would like him better than me because he saved you and he's really good looking." Alex sighed hugging me back.
"No, Alex. He thought you were good looking." I giggled, feeling Alex's lip pierce. It was a black ring. I loved it.
"Well, I am. Aren't I?" He grinned.
"Yes! Very, but I don't just like you for your looks. I like you for your personality." I sighed. "Christian may be there hero. But you're the sidekick and like the say: The Sidekick Always Gets The Girl." I laughed.

"Where did you hear that?" Alex laughed.

"I might have read it in a comic." I smiled.
"I love you." Alex grinned.
"Love you too." I said stroking his gelled up hair. He was so good looking. Why would he think I preferred Christian? He was insane to think that.
Alex was perfect, he had a black ring on his bottom lip, gelled up blonde hair with highlights of black, tanned skin and green and blue eyes. Perfect. Christian had brown hair, brown eyes and tanned skin. They were both good looking but Alex wins.
"Should we leave?" He asked.

"Why should we?" "I don't trust him..." "Why not?" "His dad kidnapped us!""Yeah, I know. But he saved us.""He saved you!" "And you." "No. You saved me...""Sorta, not really. I couldn't have saved you if he hadn't saved me.""The only reason he saved you was because he likes you!""Alex... Where else are we going to go? Back to our parents? What choice do we have?""We could get a hotel...?" "With what money?" I asked."Do you have feelings for him?""What the f*ck! No!" I cried, what question was that."Oh... I see... I didn't think you did have feelings for me." Christian smiled, entering the room with some McDonalds. "Sorry, about the cheap food, I couldn't afford anything else." I grinned and nudged Alex with my elbow. "How long have you been listening?" Alex asked."I only heard Do you have feelings for him and what the f*ck no.""Sorry.. But it's true. Why were you out for so long?""Well, I might have bumped into my dad. He's still looking for us. He didn't even look at me only said "hey, watch where you're going. Kid." It kinda hurt me." Christian mumbled."Hey! Don't worry." Alex smiled."Oh I just realised. Nice pierced lip I wanna get one like that." Christian grinned, touching Alex's lip ring, very gently. Christian looked so sweet, trying not to hurt Alex, I wish I got a lip ring so all these boys would do that to me. I laughed at that thought. Alex and Christian stared at me, I was laughing so hard. I had no idea I had a big sense of humor. Christian removed his hand off Alex's face. "You okay?" Christian asked."I can't breathe." I gasped. Still laughing."Uh, does she normally do this?" Christian asked."No." Alex sighed. "Okay, okay. I think I'm good." I giggled. Pulling myself together. That wasn't even funny. Why had I just laughed so much? Was it that He just touched Alex's face? Maybe? Who knows.."Okay... Um, here have some food. You all need it." Christian smiled. We ate the McDonalds. It wasn't the best, I'm not a huge fan of fast-food but it was better than starving. "That was nice, thanks Christian." Alex smiled. "Did you like it Rachel?" Christian asked. "It was.. Haha. Fine." I giggled. It was greasy, but fine."Where are we going to sleep...?" Alex asked."God knows, this crap shack got nothing exciting in it." Christian muttered."Well, find us somewhere to sleep!" Alex said raising his voice. His mood was changing."You two would be sleeping together right?" Christian asked."Well, duh. We're dating. It's not like she'd go and sleep with you, Rachel who are you going to sleep with?" Alex asked."Alex. But if you both keep acting like babies, fighting over nothing then I'd go and sleep on my own, and if you still don't stop. Hmm. I'd go live somewhere else!" I cried. "How about she just sleeps on her own then?" Christian stuttered. "What? Because she doesn't want to sleep with you she can't sleep with anyone else?!" Alex laughed."Enough! I'm sleeping on my own. Jesus, I'm nothing special. Can you two keep quiet for 5 minutes?" I asked. "Sorry.." Both Christian and Alex muttered.    

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