Chapter 21

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I lent down I kissed him. He was going to die, or he was dead! It was not right. He did it for me.
"Don't go! Christian. I love you too." I cried. Alex caught up to us. "He's gone..."

Later on that day, after I had finally stopped crying I looked into Alex's dark, handsome sparkling eyes. I kissed him. I felt his lip pierce against my lips. He embraced me. I started crying... again.

"Alex..." I said nervously

"I had feelings for Christian... You must hate me." I sighed.
"Aww, don't worry. I still love you. I'd never hate you. You're my everything. As long as you still have feelings for me...?" Alex smiled.

"Of course I do! I would never let you out of sight."
Just then some police officers came into the room

"We are trying to get hold of your parents but until then.... You will have to spent some time in jail."

He spoke so casually for this announcement

"Wait... what!?" Said Alex shocked.

"You broke the law, so until your parents come and get you... you will both be in jail."

Jail was so dark and gloomy, it just made me cry. We were told we had a 'jail mate' but he/she was nowhere to be seen. Dinner wasn't very nice but I guess I could live with it, after dinner our cell door opened. I hoped that it was my parents.... But then again, I hoped it wasn't. It wasn't. In came a rugged looking man, he also looked drunk.
"Hello.." Alex mumbled.
"Hey. What are you guys in for?" The man asked.
"Lots of things. You?" I asked.

"I was falsely accused of murder.... And by the way.... My names Conner." He said as he stumbled across the room.

"Cool..." I said awkwardly. "Are you drunk?"
"Yeah. Heh. God you're pretty."

"Hey! Leave her alone" Alex was mad. "She's mine!"

"Calm down!" I said, stopping him before he could hurt Conner. "He was just being nice"

"Yeah I guess" Alex mumbled.

"But It's true" "She's gorgeous" Said Conner, smiling.

I tried not to show that I was blushing, but I showed it.

"Don't blush sweetheart, that just makes your cheeks red" Conner was more than drunk, he was nuts!

At night, I couldn't sleep. Maybe it was the uncomfortable sleeping conditions or the fact that we were in jail and our parents would come and get us, or both. Alex had been quiet the whole time but I knew he would get over it.

In the morning, the police came in, they said that they have been in contact with our parents and that they were on their way, to bail us out. I felt bad about leaving Conner, he was sweet as well as crazy.
"Conner... Are you asleep?" I asked.
"Mhm." He groaned. "How can I help beautiful?"
"I'm going to be leaving you here, Alex and I, will leave you behind." I sighed.

"Nah, sweet cheeks it's fine. Baby just leave me here.." He giggled.

"Sweet cheeks!?"
"Cause you blush so much, it's sweet." Conner grinned.
"Ahem." I heard Alex clear his throat. "I can hear you guys"

"And..." Said Conner "You don't agree?"

"Of course I do" He said blushing "I just don't like you talking to my Girlfriend like that!"

I sat down on the ground, I hated being fought over.

"I can talk to her the way I want." Conner mumbled.
"Rachel...?" Alex asked.

"What!" I snapped.
"Are you okay?" Alex asked.

"No! I'm not."
"Why?" Said Alex, looking worried.
"You and Conner are being babies. So just stop fighting over me. It was like that with Christian and now look at him.... He's DEAD!!!!" I burst into tears

Alex and Conner looked at me blankly so I just said

"Listen, I don't like being a competition and If everyone is always going to fight over me, then I will just choose no one!"

They both looked at me shocked.

"But baby, we're dating. You do love me right.?"
"I guess."
"You love me too." Conner screeched.

I looked at him and said

"As a friend and that's all"

Conner looked sad but Alex looked happy.

Just then our cell opened and in came our parents, tears in their eyes but also looking a little angry.

I guess they expected us to run up to them and hug them but we just stood there. My parents came over to me and touched my face

"I missed you so much, where were you? Why are you in jail? Are you alright?" They just kept asking questions and wouldn't stop. I sighed and just told them that we were moving around and that we were fine and that the only reason we were in jail was because we were reported missing.

Unfortunately they did find out about the drugs and Alex got in big trouble but whatever.



My son was back. He went to school. He stayed at home. Lushia said we mustn't let Alex and Rachel see each other again incase they ran away again.

Alex didn't take that well.

"What?! But I need friends! And anyway, you can't just control my life!" We both knew this was not like him.

"Calm down Alex, it is for your own good" Lushia tried to calm him down.

Alex just ran up to his room crying.

I was suspicious of him, he was never that attached to Rachel. I mean they were best friends but they could go for weeks without seeing each other. Even though she lived next door. What were they hiding?

I walked up to Alex's room

"Hi, sorry about that" I said

Alex looked up at me and screamed

"Why does things have to be like this, I love Rachel, I can't go the rest of my life without seeing her again!"

I sighed, "she probably feels the same way" I know that didn't help but.... It's worth a shot

"Can I please go see her, one last time before she leaves my life forever?"

I bit my lip, If said yes, I would have Lushia to deal with but if I said no Alex would hate me.

"Alright but not for long"

Alex ran off down the stairs and out the door, I looked at Lushia and tried to explain

"Listen, he needs to see her, to say goodbye"

She looked mad but she just said

"Let's just hope he's not long"

"Yeah," I said casually "But he does love her and he always did, we can't take that away from him can we?"

Lushia didn't answer, she was looking out the window. I looked and saw a man coming towards our house. He knocked on our door, Lushia answered it and stumbled backwards

"Justin!" She gasped.

A/N Gasp! The suspence! Dun dun duhnnnnnnn

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