Chapter 18

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It was a lonely night, and I kept looking up towards Rachel but she didn't even turn around. I was mad at Christian, but also at myself. I stayed up all night thinking. Was it a good idea to run away? What would happen if we went back? I imagined my parents would never let me out of the house again, wouldn't that just be great?

When I woke up, Rachel wasn't there. I called out for her,

"Rachel!" "Where are you?"

No answer

I got up and walked outside, there was Rachel, staring at her phone, crying.

I looked at her shaking hand and asked

"What's wrong"

She just looked up at me and handed me her phone.

On the screen were many, many text and calls from her parents. All saying things like "Where are you? Come back Rachel, we miss you so much." I put my hand in my pocket and touched my phone, who knows how many of those texts I had.

"I need to go back" Rachel finally said.

"What?" I asked. "Why would you need to go back?"

"They need us" She whimpered, wiping her eyes.

"I sort of need them"

I looked into her glistening eyes and sighed

"You know what will happen if If you go back" I said "They will never let us out again, or let us see each other"

"I know" she replied, "but I miss them so much!"

Since I had known Rachel all her life, I knew that she was a very determined girl and wouldn't stop fighting until she got what she wanted.

"Ok, go back and see your parents, tell them you don't know where I am, answer all the questions by the police and never get to leave the house, or see me again!" I was getting annoyed with this.

"Ok,Ok, stop shouting will you?" She yelled at me, "It was just an idea, are we really just going to live the rest of our lives away from society?

I didn't answer that, she knew I wouldn't. Inside I met Christian

"What was that all about?" He asked, cheerfully

"Nothing, just mind your own business ok?"

"Alright, no need to get angry. I was just asking, Rachel sounded sad." He mumbled

"Why do you care how she feels?" My face was hot "And she's fine... by the way"

He walked away looking a little sad, for a minute I felt guilty for yelling at him. Then i remembered, he deserved it!

I kept hearing Rachel's question in my mind, again and again.

"Are we really just going to spend the rest of our lives away from society?"

Were we? I never really thought about that, but I guess she was right, we had to go back sometime.

"Oh my gosh! Look at this!" Christian was pointing at the computer screen, Rachel walked over and looked, her face turned white. I got up and walked over, the news was open and the front article was:

Missing kids.

Two kids around the age of fifteen have gone missing. One girl, one boy. They were last sighted at 42 Sideway drive (the girl lives at 44) The police think that they have run away together. The girl had blonde hair with highlights of brown and green/grey eyes. And the boy had blonde hair, a british accent and a lip peircing.

If you see either of them please call: 225 619 8767 or 111. See pictures below.

I froze, I couldn't believe we had been reported missing. Well, actually I could believe it. My Mum was always wayyyyy over protective and would have freaked out when we left. Then another article at the bottom of the page, caught my eye, it said:

Lost kids thought to be found

The two 15 year olds who have gone missing have thought to have been sighted near a small town called Wairoa. We have talked to the parents of these children and they say that they are very relieved to know that their kids are alive.

Rachel finally spoke up.

"I hate being called kids, it makes me feel Little! You alright?"

I just pointed to the other article, she read it then said "Oh, they know where we are"

"Well, I won't let them get you guys!" Said Cristian.

"Thanks Christian, your the best" Rachel gave him a small hug then walked over to the blanket that I slept on and sat down.

That night I kept having the same nightmare: The police would show up and point their guns at us, we would refuse to leave, they would be about to shoot Rachel, no matter how much I would try, I could never be able to save Rachel. In the end, Christian would save her and even though that he was dead, Rachel would forever love him, and hate me. And she never spoke to me again for the rest of our lives. Stupid Christian! How did he manage to get in my dreams?

A/N Back to short chapters? Make up your minds authors!

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