Chapter 13

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Things became a lot harder after Rachel broke her leg. We could only walk small amounts every time and my arms became sore. After a few more days we made it. I am so glad we did because we had run out of food, water, and strength. I opened the door and walked inside, put Rachel down on the couch and picked up the phone.

"What are you doing?" Rachel asked

"Calling an ambulance" I replied

"Okay." Rachel sighed.

Before long we were in the ambulance on our way to the hospital, I was trying to convince the nurses to let me sign the sheet, instead of a parent or guardian.

"Well, we always need to get an adult to sign it, an adult who is incharge of the patient." The nurse said sounding rather annoyed.

"Please." I begged "I am here, just let me do it"

"Who will be paying?" she asked

"Me." I smiled.

"Okay, here's the sheet" she said, giving me the sheet to sign.

24 hours later, Rachel was sitting on the couch in front of me, eating some dinner I had made her.

"I am going to bed now, are you?" I asked her.

"Yeah," she replied "But just little later, I'm trying to get the hang of these crutches."

"Okay.." I mumbled.

I walked into the 2nd bedroom and lay in bed, no matter how much I tried, I couldn't stop thinking about my parents.

Right now they were probably in our home, worrying about where we could be, thinking we were dead.



As Alex walked into one of the bedrooms I lay back my head. Why did I have to break my leg? Why?

I got up and hopped towards the hallway, using my crutches. I stopped, which door did Alex go in?

I wasn't looking when he went in.

I opened the first door,

"Alex...?" No answer

I walked over to the bed and got inside, it was freezing cold in this house because there was almost no heating.
"Alex, I miss you." I whispered, starting to cry.

In the morning I got up early and walked into the second bedroom. Alex was lying in bed, fast asleep.

"Alex?" I asked

He yawned and sat up


"Do you hate me because I broke my leg, and you had to spend almost all our money on getting it fixed?" I asked, my voice shaking

"No!" he said alarmed "I love you, and who cares about your broken leg, one of us was bound to get an injury some time."

I just loved him, he was so sweet I sat on the end of his bed.

"I am going to look for a job today" he said. "And you will need to stay home and rest."

"I feel so useless." I looked into his dark, but amazing eyes.
"Don't." He smiled.

I looked around the room, it was so cold and dark.

He got up, kissed me and walked into the kitchen. I sat alone in the bedroom. Did I really love Alex? Did he really love me? I just don't know anymore!

When I walked into the kitchen, he laid a bowl of cereal in front of me.

"Eat up." He demanded.

Then he went into his bedroom to change.

I looked down. I knew that he would eventually get a job and I would be at home all day, left to my own thoughts, my eyes welled up with tears. But I didn't mention anything to Alex.
"Hey, what's up?" He asked walking back into the room, he startled me.
"Nothing... I'm just going to miss you when you're gone." I sobbed.
"Wait... Where am I going?" He asked, suddenly confused.
"You're going to get a job..."
"Oh! Right." He smiled. "Don't miss me, Rachel. Please don't."
"Why not?" I mumbled.
"Because it'll make me feel bad, we need the money and if I feel bad, I'll quit. Then we'd be broke."
"I know, I'll get used to it... Don't worry." I sighed.

"Okay, I should go and find a job now." Alex smiled giving me a kiss on the forehead.
"Wait.. Before you go, can I ask you something?" I asked looking in his eyes.
"Anything." He smiled.
"Okay, when you get a job. If you do. Will you get part-time or full-time?" I asked looking hopeful.
"I'll see what there is on offer. I want to try and get part-time so I can be with you more and help out around here. But I also wanna get full-time for the money. But I'll always put you first!" He said looking down. I couldn't tell what he was feeling.
"Are you alright?" I asked.
"Yes, just stressed. with you and money and the fact that our parents... What would they be thinking right now?" He asked, even though he knew it was a question I couldn't answer. There was a knock on the door that broke the sudden silence.
"I'll get it, since you can't. Really.." Mumbled Alex looking uncomfortable.
"Hello, I'm Mia. I'll be your flat helper. I'll bring you room service and I'll clean your flat every Sunday. If you have any questions I'll try answer them now. I'm 23, I love animals. My favourite colour is Purple, and my favourite number is 19. My favourite movie is Titanic and my favourite food is Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwiches. I am a Harry Potter nerd. And when I was little I wanted to be a Actor, and look at me now..." She just wouldn't shut up about herself. I was about to lose my mind. She didn't want to know anything about us, only her. "And I always hated mathematics but loved english. Oh I wrote a lot when I was little. I had a puppy but he died. He was run over by a car. After that I got a goldfish named Maddy." I was about to kill myself but luckily Alex spoke up.
"Hey, Mia. Rachel and I were in the middle of having a life conversation if you don't mind, we'd like to continue that." He smiled.
"Oh! Expecting kids are you? I've always wanted kids, but no-one would ever want to get in the same bed as this lunk of junk." She said patting her large chunky belly.
"Are you saying you're fat?" I asked. Suddenly confused. I had never known anyone who admitted they were fat.
"Yeah, quite so. When I was born, I was big boned and I saw eating as my way of getting through life. Every time I was depressed I would eat. And then realise I was eating and get upset and eat more." She sighed.
"Well, it was nice meeting you, Mia. But you need to get going, seeya on Sunday." Alex said rolling his eyes.
"Oh! Right sorry. Toodles." Mia whimpered, looking sad.

"Wow!" Said Alex surprised.

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