Chapter 14

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I can't believe Rachel was that upset about me getting a job.

"So, I should go now." I told her after I had shut the door on Mia.

"Okay." she said, looking at the ground.

"I'll be back soon" I called to her as I left the house.

The cool air blew on my cheeks as I walked down the street, towards the building where my first interview was.

"Hello, who are you here to see?" asked the lady behind the front desk.

"Um...I'm here for a job interview..." I replied, confused.

"Okay, Second floor, to your left." She said, sounding a bit like a robot.

In the interview room, I sat down in one of the chairs. A man walked in, he looked quite mean.

"Good morning." He said as he sat down in a chair in front of me.

"Hi." I said nervously, I had never been to a job interview before.

"So, let's get started shall we?"

"Yes." I replied, he glared at me.

"How old are you? He asked

"Um... 15.... No... I mean.... 19" I was really stuffing this up.



"Do you live near here?" He was becoming suspicious.

"Yes, just down the street' I said shaking.

"What experience do you have?"


"Hmmmm..." He said frowning. "Well, I'll get back to you."

"Okay, thanks"

I left quickly and before I knew it, I was running down the street, towards our house.

When I opened the door, I found Rachel on the couch crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked

She looked up at me and wailed "I heard voices and then I realized that If It was our parents or the police, I couldn't leave quickly and we would be found and it would be all my fault!"

I looked at her, astounded. Then sat down next to her.

"It's fine, they will never find us!" I told her, but I could tell she didn't believe me.

"So, how did the interview go?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Um.. not sure."


I kissed her and walked into the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Do you really love me?" She asked

I stopped and looked at her soft, nervous face.

"Of course I do, why would you even ask that?" I asked suddenly confused, was she planning to leave me?
"You just seem so... Over me... Like I don't matter to you as much as I used to. And that I'm being too babyish." She mumbled looking at her feet.
"Hey, that's not true and you know it! You mean a lot to me, Rachel. And you're not being babyish. You're just stressed about your leg. It'll be all good." I smiled giving her another kiss. She just looked away.
"Did they ask you how old you were?" She asked changing the subject again.
"Yes, I think that's why it didn't go to good. I said 15 and then changed it to 19." I laughed.
"Well, you're good at finding a job." She giggled.
"Yeah! I am aye?" I grinned.
"Do you think you'll get the job?" She asked.
"Nah, I really stuffed that up." I smiled.
"Shh, Alex, someone's knocking on the door. What if it's our parents, or the police?!" Rachel asked, a worried look on her face.
"Relax, it's probably Mia." I said walking towards the door, but just as I reached it, it swung open. "Hey, who are you and what are you doing here?!" I asked as an unfamiliar face entered the room.

"Here to arrest you, both." The voice said.
"Wait... What have we done?" Rachel asked, looking very concerned.
"You bought drugs off a dealer!" The officer said reaching for his pockets.
"Oh right..." I mumbled looking down.
"It wasn't our fault. We had to buy them! He threatened us! He had a gun and said to buy some or he'll shoot us" Rachel stuttered.
"Really is that so? Where are the unused drugs then?" The officer said.
"In the other room, can I go get them officer? You can come with me." I smiled.
"Okay, but the girl has to come too. She could be getting away with them or something dangerous." The officer mumbled.
"Well, okay." Rachel said getting up. "But you'll have to wait a minute."
"I'm sure we have lots of time!" The officer said, suddenly happy. He handed Rachel one of her crutches.
"Thanks!" Rachel smiled. We walked into the room where the boxes were stacked.
"They should be in here. I hid them incase Mia came cleaning and saw them and got us in trouble. We didn't use any of them, the packaging is still shut." Alex mumbled.
"Can I run a test on you two? Just to make sure no drugs have been used.."
"Sure" Both Rachel and I sighed. He injected an injection into me first, I offered to go first so Rachel could get ready.
"Negative, no traces of the drug here. Now the lady..." The officer said, reaching for a new injection. He injected the injection into Rachel's arm, I saw her cringe. It made me feel bad. "And negative again. You've had drugs. But around 6 years ago. And they were legal." The officer mumbled picking his stuff up. "Sorry to disturb y'all. I'll have these drugs destroyed."
But the officer was packing up so much stuff when he left, he forgot the drugs. I put them back behind the boxes.

Rachel turned on the tv when he left, to how to build a boy. The boy was a robot and every girl fell in love with him... "Hey, what drugs have you taken?" I asked. "Medication. Not your normal medi though. Something the doctor told me to take.." She mumbled."Why haven't you told me?" I asked."Because you weren't a big part of my life then." She said. "Well, if you loved me you would have told me." I said starting to raise my voice."Stop yelling at me! I wish you were like that robot on tv that everyone loved." Rachel argued, raising her voice and starting to cry."Is that true?" I asked. "...No..." she answered. As I came to hug her. "Hey, don't cry." I mumbled putting my arm around her. "Thank you Alex.""What for?""Always being there for me." Rachel sighed. "Rachel, I'll always be there for you. No matter what." I said, kissing her forehead.

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