Chapter 26

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A/N Conner is an actual guy who Rach met online (surprise, surprise) and he actually does want to live with her and be the maid dressed in a little maid dress. Yea, that's for real. And coming up. So get excited (I started chatting to him on the same website Rach has been on and he's hilarious)

Over the next few days we did up our rooms. To be completely honest, I started to like my room a bit better. We went shopping and Alex chose a whole newer style than his old one. While I just chose the same as before. We would start school next week and we would go to the same school. Alex and I didn't talk much because it was awkward when we did. But the night before we started school, I walked into his room and sat on the end of his bed. He hadn't noticed me yet so I tapped him. Still he didn't notice

"Ahem" Still no notice

Suddenly I got fed up

"Alex!" He looked up "I have been here for ages, and you never noticed me! Do you not care about me anymore or what?!" He looked at me shocked

"I'm really sorry, I was just reading my book and..."

"It's fine, just listen to me"

"Alright go.." He demanded, I ignored his rudeness.

"I was thinking about Connor and..." He cut me off

"Of course you were"

"And the fact that he is in jail because he was falsely accused of murder"

"I think he did the murder, but he was too drunk to remember" Alex was annoyed.

"Well, I was thinking we should break him out"

Alex's eyes lit up, he loved being bad.


He smiled, "I will do it, but only for you. NOT for him"

I sighed. "Good then, the jail is right by the park so we will get Mum to take us after school tomorrow."

I stood up to leave the room and Alex walked over to me and kissed me

"I'm glad you still have your bad instincts."

I laughed and walked out of the room.

I was nervous going to my new school but not for the reasons I told my Mum. I've never had trouble making friends, although, I've always gotten on better with boys. We walked through the front gate and kids were running everywhere. I walked into the building and was met by a teacher.

"Hey! You must be Rachel. Welcome."

I looked at her smiling face.

"Yeah... thanks" I mumbled

"I'm your teacher so you can follow me" She walked off.

During class I could hardly focus, would Conner still be there? He probably would. What if we were caught? Then we would be in big trouble! I got told off multiple times for daydreaming in class but still, it is better to be known as the new kid who likes to daydream, than the girl who ran off with her next door neighbour for a year and ended up in jail for a bit.

On the way to the park, my Mum was talking lots.

"How was your first day of school? What did you learn? I read online that the school is very good for unusual kids"

"We're not unusual!" Interrupted Alex, Mum laughed. I sighed, I would get told off for acting like that.

We parked the car.

"Do you want any money? To buy ice cream?" Mum asked as I glanced towards the prison.

"That's alright, we have our own..." Alex started, but the money had already been put in his hand.

"Bye Mum!" I called as I ran over to the swings. She smiled and drove off, Alex came over to me.

"So, what do we do now"

"We wait for the right moment" 



I sat down on my bed, my hard, uncomfortable, jail bed. No matter what people say, I did not murder my Dad. It was a tragic thing and I can't believe people thought it was me! To be honest, the only interesting thing that had happened to me here, was when that really pretty girl and her angry boyfriend came here. I think her name was Renee or Rachel, but whatever her name was, she was so pretty I wished she had stayed. But they were both bailed out by their parents. The sad thing is that my Mum also thinks I killed Dad, so she would never bail me out.

"Which cell do you think he's in" I heard a voice outside say

"Shhh" Said a different voice

I walked towards the small window and peered out. All I could see was a bunch of kids running around at the park outside. Then suddenly a boys head poked up,I recognised him somehow.

He disappeared and said "I think this is him Rachel, it must be"

My heart skipped a beat, was this them?

A really pretty girl poked her head up and I smiled, I was sure this was her!

"Hi...?" I said awkwardly

"I'm here to bail you out Conner" She looked so happy

"How?" I asked, confused.

She smiled at me softly and looked down. "We'll find a way"

She began explaining how I was going to distract the guards and they would go in the prison as visitors and take the key and get me out!

"Are you sure this will work?" I asked

"Nope" Said Alex casually. "I don't even want to help you but Rachel does, so we are getting you out. And this is our only way."

I scowled at him. He could be so rude. In a perfect world, my Dad would be alive, I wouldn't be in jail and me and Rachel would be together. With no Alex in the way!

Both of them disappeared from the window and went off somewhere. I waited until I heard Rachel say the words "We would like a tour." 

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