Chapter 19

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He was gone, gone!

"Calm down, it will be alright" Danny said as tears rolled down my cheeks.

I sighed, and rubbed my eyes, I hadn't been able to get any sleep since Alex ran away. I kept asking myself, did Alex hate me? Why else would he run away from me? And what about Rachel? I felt like it was my fault she left too. Rachel would have never left on her own like that. Oh I felt so awful, why did this have to happen to me? I had already had enough bad stuff happen to me over the years, it was like I was cursed or something.

Danny was being very nice and calm with me, I was so glad he was my husband.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, it was Rachel's mother, she was as heartbroken as I was, but not mad at me or Alex.

"I've got such good news!" She shouted, "the police say they are almost certain of the whereabouts of our children, we'll see them again!"

I jumped up from my seat and ran over to her, "Let's go" she said "let's find them"

Before I knew it, I was in a police car, going to somewhere, at first we were going towards our flat that we rented every time we went on holiday but then we turned a different way and I had no idea where I was going. I was so excited about seeing Alex and Rachel again that I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep and I couldn't stay still.

A/N Yup. A 257 word chapter. I'll join up the next one to it cos I'm just so nice ;) Happy reading 



"Hey, Alex. Can I ask you something?" I asked.
"What?!" He snapped.
"If I had a crush on Rachel. Would you be upset?" I mumbled...

"Guess, b*tch! of course I would be. She's mine. All mine." Alex growled.
"Hey guys! What's up?" Rachel asked, walking into the room, she looked so pretty. Her brown and golden locks floating behind her as she walked.
"Heeeeeeeeeeey." I gasped. Star struck.
"Hey, baby. You look beautiful." Alex panted, also starstruck.
"Ahem, I'm naked... Where are my clothes?" She giggled.
"Hey! Don't put anything on, you look fine like that." I winked, looking at her boobs. Alex was staring too.
"Oi! Don't stare." Rachel laughed. Covering herself with her hands. "Alex baby, fetch my clothes for me, will you?"
"Uh. Eh.. Wow. I mean sure. Sure thing." He grinned. "Do you think I could have that tonight?"
"Have what?!" Rachel asked taken aback.
"You. Your body..." Alex smirked.
"Anything for you." She laughed. I was so jealous. I guess Rachel could see the disappointment in my eyes. "Christian, don't be sad." She giggled when Alex had left to go get her clothes.
"You're so pretty when you're naked." I dribbled.
"So I'm not pretty when wearing clothes?" She asked. Laughing.
"No! I didn't mean it like that." I sighed.
"Don't worry, I understand." She giggled, kissing my forehead. "To be totally honest, you're not that bad. I like you. A lot. And if I wasn't with Alex I would date you. But I'm with Alex. Not that that's bad. I love him, a lot but, I kinda have feelings for you too. But I love Alex more."
"Do you want me to tell him?" I asked.

"No. I want to." She said looking down.
"Guess who's back!" Alex smirked. "Hey, Rachel can we do this now?"
"Do what?" I asked.

"Have sex, Christian." Rachel laughed. "While I'm still naked." "Oh okay." I sighed.I walked away, so they could get comfortable. I stood outside listening. Bang Ouch, Oh my lord Alex. Hehe SHIT OW, Keep pushing. 

A/N ^ HOLY SHIT WHAT WAS THAT?! I'm gonna attach another chapter on cos I'm nice ;)



I was finally doing it! I was having sex with her. It hurt a lot. She was crying but told me to keep going. I had got inside her. That felt good. I had lost my virginity to her. Which was a nice thought.
"That's nice..." She gasped. Reaching over to kiss me. I kissed her back, I carried on moving about inside her.
"Hey! Are you guys finished in there!?" Christian called from outside. Yeah thanks mate. A great way to ruin the moment.
"Alex. Maybe we should stop. We'll do more later. Just... Not while someone's waiting to walk back into their house."
"Fine. I love you so much." I smirked, grabbing her breasts.
"Christian come in." Rachel grinned. Christian walked in.
"Woah, I hadn't realised you guys hadn't stopped." His eyes widened.
"Well, we haven't. I don't ever want to stop. Look how big these babies are." I laughed squeezing her boobs.
"Well, we might want to go soon..." said Christian, "I hear voices outside..." We stopped and listened, Christian was right, I could hear some people talking, but I couldn't understand what they were saying.
"Quick! We need to get out of here fast." Rachel sighed. "I was enjoying that... Sorry."
"I was too." I mumbled.

"I have searched the internet and found some cheap flights..... They are to Canada." said Christian, casually.

"Wait.... Canada?" Rachel was shocked. "Do we have to go so far from home?""It'll be better." I mumbled. "Yes! It would!" Christian snapped. "Hey! Stop getting all pissed at me!" I growled. "Well, maybe you should stop showing Rachel off!" Christian sighed. "Ugh. I need to get fresh air. You guys start packing." I whimpered. "Christian..." Rachel smiled. After I had left. "What?" Christian mumbled. "I love you." Rachel sighed."Really?"Of course.""Why?""Because you're sweet, and you'll always be there for me." Rachel smirked. "I love you too then." Christian laughed. Kissing Rachel on the lips.

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