The sleepover.

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It was a quite chilly Friday, and you were so glad the weather was getting colder. No one would question why you were wearing a scarf all week long. No one knew, except for Roman. But he didn't pay much attention to it.

As you were walking outside during lunch time, you saw Letha and Peter sitting on a low brick wall, chatting with each other. Letha saw you and gave you a wave, then beckoned you. 

"Hey Eva." she smiled as you saw down by her and Peter. "What time are you coming tonight?"

You grabbed your sandwich and your bottle of water. "Would 8 o'clock work?"

Letha nodded and smiled, "Yeah of course!"

"Wait, what's going on?" Peter asked a little confused, looking at you and then at Letha.

"We're having a sleepover at her place." you replied, then taking a bite from your sandwich. You saw him smirking and he opened his mouth to say something, but you cut him off. "No, you can't come. No boys allowed."

"Bummer." Peter snickered, as he peeled his orange.

Right as the school bell rang, Peter and Letha got up and picked up their bags. Letha looked over at you, "You don't take maths right?"

"Nope." you smiled widely. "Smartest move in my life."

"I should've thought of that too." Peter sighed extra dramatic. He put his arm around Letha's shoulder and the two of them gave you a wave as they walked off to their class.

You decided to switch out your books for the next classes and walked back inside the school. Walking up to your locker, you saw Roman leaning against it with his back, watching you walk towards him.

"Hey pumpkin." he grinned as he let you open your locker.

You gave him a look. "I'm already regretting my decision to ditch all the rules."

"It's either that, or sunshine." he smirked as he watched you switch your books.

"Pumpkin it is then." you rolled your eyes at him as you slammed your locker shut. You walked by him, noticing that Roman followed you outside. You stopped and turned to him, rising an eyebrow. "Roman, don't you have somewhere you need to be?"

"No, never." he replied. "Wanna go get some ice cream?"

You let out a small laugh and shrugged, "Sure, but you're buying."

About half an hour later, you and Roman were both sitting in his car, finishing your ice cream. He always parked his car in the same spot, practically the whole school knew that by now. From the corner of you eye you saw Roman leaning towards you. Using one hand, he managed to take off the scarf that you were wearing. The marks on your neck had become serious hickeys.

"Looking good, pumpkin." he smirked as he looked at them. "How's the cut?"

You lowered the neckline of your shirt and showed him the cut. He traced it with his pointer finger and looked at you, scanning your face. You looked into his green eyes and caught yourself thinking that they didn't have his usual 'bad boy' look today. You felt his fingers trace your collarbone and they went up your neck and by your jaw. His thumb was gently stroking your cheek and you really wanted him to kiss you. But then you remembered that you were in his car and at the school's parking lot.

So before either of you could kiss the other, you backed off and fixed your shirt. "I have to go to class."

"Alright." Roman said, clearing his throat as he kept looking at you.

You gave him a little smile and opened the car door. "Thanks for the ice cream."

"No problem, pumpkin." he grinned as you rolled your eyes at him again, before shutting the car door.


"Come on in!" Letha cheered as she opened the door and saw you. She stepped aside to let you in and took your coat from you. She then made the two of you some tea and showed you around the house.

Her parents weren't at home, because they were having a dinner with Letha's aunt Olivia, who's also Roman and Shelley's mother. You had only heard about her once or twice before, but you weren't going to bring her up. It seemed like she wasn't the best topic to talk about with any of the Godfrey children.

You put your mug on Letha's desk when the two of you got in there. You threw your phone on her bed, next to where she was sitting, and searched your backpack for your pajamas. Letha was already wearing hers, so you figured you'd put on yours as well. As soon as you had pulled your shirt over you head you heard your phone make a noise, saying you had a text messages.

"Letha, could you check that please? I'm expecting a message from D." you said from over your shoulder, as you were changing in her bathroom that was attached to her bedroom."

Yeah sure!" you heard her reply happily. About a second later you heard, "It's not D!"

"Okay thanks." you said with a smile as you walked back into her bedroom. Letha still had your phone in her hand and gave you a confused look. "What's wrong?"

"What's that on your neck?" she asked, waving at you.

You were wearing a t-shirt, so the hickeys were visible. Luckily, the cut was not. "Oh this? That's just from last week's party."

You sat down on her bed and grabbed some popcorn to munch on. Letha was smirking at you, "Are you dating Roman?"

You let out a small laugh, "Hah no, why would you even think that?"

"You left the party with Roman, you passed me and Peter and I'm sure you didn't have those hickeys then." Letha grinned. She then handed you your phone. "Also, this."

You looked at the text message that you had gotten, which was from Roman:

wanna come over? ;)

"We're not dating." you stated. "We just.. eh."

"Hooked up a few times?" Letha finished your sentence. "And are still hooking up occasionally?"

"Eh yeah. That." you mumbled, quickly texting Roman that you weren't coming over. "Please don't tell Peter?"

Letha smiled and gave you a quick hug, "Of course not! He'd probably kill the both of you. God, I remember Roman being pissed off at Peter for dating me. I don't wanna experience anything like that again."

Letha placed a pillow against the headboard of her bed and you did the same. The two of you leaned against the pillows, while Letha started the movie that you were going to watch tonight.

"Eva?" Letha quietly said during the movie. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure." you replied, keeping your eyes on the movie.

You heard her munch on some popcorn and then saying, "How long have you.. you know? Like, since when?"

"Eh." you said, thinking back a few months. "Around the end of the second month I was here. I think."

"I knew it." Letha chuckled. "Roman has been acting differently lately and I just couldn't figure out why!"

"Acting different how?" you asked, turning to her.

Letha shrugged, "I don't know how to explain it. I've known him for so long, I just feel it. You know like when your gut feels tells you something?"

You nodded, "Yeah I know all about that."

"You know, I think he's starting to care about you." Letha stated. "He's such a player, pretty sure Peter has told you all about it."

You laughed, "God yes he has. But I'm pretty sure Roman still dislikes me as much as he did when he first saw me though. Okay, maybe a little bit less."

"Eva, you're the first girl Roman has ever given a hickey to." Letha said. "He has never, how do I say this, marked the girl he's been hooking up with. Until you."

You snorted and just kind of laughed it off, jokingly saying that you just had that effect on guys. But you knew you had to do something about it, because you were starting to like him. And you still didn't know if you could even trust him or not.

As soon as you would see Destiny tomorrow, you would ask her if she knew anything more about him.

No Strings Attached? // Roman GodfreyWhere stories live. Discover now