The Change. (End)

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You sat up straight, getting pulled out of your dream by a quick vision that Letha was heading to your place.

Looking to you right, you saw Roman still in a deep sleep. So you quietly got out of bed to make yourself a cup of tea, and to open the door before Letha could ring the bell.

"Hey, how did you know?" She asked with a smile as soon as you opened the door for her.

"You know how." You chuckled, handing her a mug of tea and letting her in.

She say down next to you on the couch and took a big sip of the lavender tea. "So, you and Roman finally got together?"

"How did you know?" You mimicked her first question she had asked you.

She smirked and grabbed Roman's jacket from the chair next to her. "You're not doing a good job hiding it."

You shrugged. "Just don't tell Peter?"

Letha shook her head. "Promise. I'm actually here because of something I can't tell Peter either. At least not yet."

At that moment, Roman walked into the living room. "Oh shee-it."

"Roman, oh my god!" Letha said fake-surprised. "What are you doing here?"

Roman rolled his eyes at here and turned to you. "She knows?"

"She knows." You said with a nod.

"I think it's nice." Letha stated.

You snorted and turned back to her. "We were talking about you, not me and Roman."

Letha sighed as Roman took the chair. She looked a little scared, so you decided to help her.

"I know you're scared to say it. Do you want me to?" You offered.

She bit her lower lip and sighed agaib. "No, I can do this. I mean, it's not the end of the world. It's not even a bad thing. I'm pregnant, that's all."

She started sobbing and you pulled her into a hug. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I don't know." She mumbled. "I'm scared to tell Peter and I don't even know why."

"Have you guys, like, talked about this?" Roman asked, drinking his coffee.

She nodded. "We have, and he really wants kids. I just didn't expect it to be this soon. After my doctor's appointment this morning, I just didn't know where to go. So I ended up here."

"That's okay!" You comforted her. "What did the doctor say? Everything okay?"

"Everything's okay, he think." Letha continued. "It's still an early stage, so he wasn't too sure."

"Do you want me to.. check the baby?" You offered.
You know it was something you could do, and it was always reliable. You just didn't do it a lot.

"C-can you?" She asked surprised.

You nodded. "Yeah! I just need to lay an ear on your stomach and hold one of your hands, is that okay?"

"Yes of course." Letha replied with a smile.
She sat up straight and reached out her right hand to you.

You scooted over, took her hand and lay your ear on her stomach. Many sounds were coming from the baby, and luckily none that were alarming.

"Do you.. wanna know the gender?" You asked, still in you position.

"How can you tell this early?" Roman asked in disbelief.

You looked at him. "The hearbeat. They are different. I can even tell if the baby has the werewolf gen or not, if you wanna know."

You felt Letha squeeze your hand softly.

"I only want to know the gender." She said with a nervous tone in her voice.

You let go of her hand and sat back up. "It's a boy."

"Really?!" Letha sobbed. "I knew it!"

"Congrats cousin!" Roman smirked at Letha, as he got up to give her a hug.


After Letha had left, all peaceful but excited, you rushed to the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed.

"Pumpkin, are you okay?" Roman asked, as he saw you walk around the living room and the kitchen.

"Yes." You said. "I don't know. We're doing this today, and I'm nervous."

Roman got up and wrapped his arms around you. "You're gonna be okay. I'll be there the whole time. And you know the steps, right?"

You looked up at him and nodded. "I sit down, drink one glass of your blood, then lie down on the thing, you bite me while Price injects the blood and venom mixture in my veins and then I hope I don't die."

"You won't." He stated. "I won't let you die."

You gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "I know."

The drive to The White Tower seemed longer than ever, and every second you got more nervous.

"Eva, babe, if you don't want to do this, you can stop. You know that." Roman said as you stood in the elevator.

You let out a big sigh. "I know. But I'm doing this."

The elevator ding went off and you stepped out of it, heading right to Pryce's lab.

Roman intertwined his fingers with yours, which made you feel less scared.

"Ah Eva." Pryce smiled as you and Roman entered his workspace. "Ready to make history?"

Every step you took, Roman followed closely. Making sure he's be there if you needed him.

Pryce had prepared all his utensils and was now getting the stuff that he was going to use to take some blood from Roman for you to drink, so your body could get used to it already.

Pryce jotted down every single detail, no matter how silly they looked.

As soon as the glass was filled, Pryce handed it to you. "Quick, before it dries."

Those were not the words someone wanted to hear before they were about to drink something.

You put your lips to the glass and took a few big gulps. Honestly, it tasted better than Klaus' brain and eye smoothie...

You felt a light headache and were glad you had to lie down on the 'operation' table.

Roman sat on a chair next to you, holding your hand, while Pryce turned on several machines and inserted the infusion needle in your hand.

"Eva, I love you." Roman suddenly said.

You felt really sick, but managed to smile at him. "I love you too, Roman."

"You have to bite her now!" You heard Pryce say to Roman.

You vaguely heard Roman say 'Sorry' as he held onto your arm, before everything went black.

No Strings Attached? // Roman GodfreyWhere stories live. Discover now