It is what it is.

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You were about to say something, but a few knocks on the door interrupted that. Roman let go of you and did a few steps back, before the door opened and Letha's head popped in.

"Alisha told me I could find you here, Eva." she said with a smile. "I wanted to check up on you. But I see Roman already did that."

She quickly looked over at him and smirked.

"Thanks Letha, I'm already feeling way better." you quickly said, walking up to the door. "We were just heading back to the party."

Roman followed you out of the room, putting his arm around Letha's shoulder. "That's right, no need to worry anymore."

"I'm glad you're okay, Eva." Letha giggled. She might had a few drinks too many. As soon as you all were downstairs, she pressed a kiss on your cheek and on Romans and skipped off to Peter, who was still in the backyard.

"Let's talk about this later, okay?" you said to Roman, as the two of you got into the living room. He gave you a quick wink and a nod before vanishing.

You headed to the kitchen to get a soda, when you bumped into Alison. She had red eyes and looked like she could start crying again any time.

"Sorry Eva." she mumbled, grabbing a bottle of beer.

You had an idea what had happened, but you still wanted to be there for her. So you sat her down on a stool and gave her a hug. "What's wrong Ali?"

She sighed deeply. "Roman doesn't like me that way."

"I'm sorry." you said, as she started crying on your shoulder.

"He said he thinks I'm nice, but that's all. And I asked if he maybe wanted to go out some time. You know, so he might like me better." she sniffled. "But he said he doesn't do relationships anyways and doesn't like dating. But he wanted to be friends though."

"Hey, some people are just like that. I guess." you said, trying to calm her down a little bit. "He still wants to be friends, so that's nice."

"Yeah that's true." she mumbled as she got of of your shoulder and wiped away some tears. "Thanks, Eva. You're a real friend."

"No problem at all." you said with a smile.


"Oh my god, I didn't even drink and I feel so fucked up." you sighed as you and Roman both got in the car. You started the car and drove off.

Once arrive at the apartment, you gave Roman a push to wake him up. He'd fallen asleep and was slightly snoring.

"I know it probably won't help, but here you go." you said to him as you handed him a coffee and put a glass of the red liquid in front of him. "How wasted are you?"

He shrugged. "Not really wasted, just tired. I guess."

He quickly drank his hot coffee and immediately chugged down the blood. Which was something you had gotten used to, but still found a bit nasty.

"Feeling better?" you asked jokingly.

He nodded. "I actually do. How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright." you replied. "But my head is a bit full and my arm and side are kinda sore."

Roman took your left hand in his and started tracing your scars with his pointer finger. "Did anyone say anything?"

You scoffed. "No, because I gave them an angry look when they looked like they wanted to say something."

"Eva, I like you." he stated, giving you a smirk.

"I know." you replied with a small laugh. "But we can't really do this, you know."

No Strings Attached? // Roman GodfreyWhere stories live. Discover now