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"Thank you for the sleepover, Letha." you said to her as you stepped outside. "It was fun! We should do that more."

She smiled, "Yes definitely! get home safe, okay?"

You nodded, "Always!"

As usual, you walked to Destiny's apartment. It was still early, but she'd probably be up already. You opened the small door to the apartments and walked up to yours and opened the door.

As you walked in, you almost fell over some cushions that were thrown on the floor. You screwed the living room and it was an absolute mess. The coffee table was pushed over, the couch was messed up and the fabric was torn at some places. Glass on the floor, plants and dirt al over the place. Nothing was how it was when you left yesterday.

You felt that something was terrible wrong and you went to look at the rest of the place as you searched for Destiny. "D?! Where are you?!"

"Destiny?!" you yelled as you opened her bedroom door. Nothing but a mess.

You hired to the living room to grab your phone and dialed Peter's number. It went straight to voice mail, meaning that he had shut off his phone. Something he never did.

This didn't feel right at all. You quickly dialed Lynda's number, but that also went straight to voicemail.

Shit, what do I do?!

You grabbed your bag and ran outside, off to Peter and Lynda's trailer in the woods. Maybe they were hiding under it and couldn't use their phones? Maybe.

As soon as you got there, you knew this wasn't good. The door was open and furniture was thrown outside. You ran inside and looked for the door in the floor that lead to the hiding spot under the trailer.

"Lynda? Peter?" you quietly said as you opened it. But there was no response.

You started to panic, but you knew this wasn't the time to do that, so you took a deep breath, closed your eyes and mumbled, "Give me a sign. Someone or something, please give me a sign."

You slowly breathed out and opened your eyes. Your gaze immediately fell on Roman's sweater, the one that Destiny had kept under her pillow to get visions about him. Why was it here?

This was the sign you needed. You grabbed it and felt a huge pain in your head. Then, you saw images of a church in a place you didn't know, vaguely saw the silhouettes of Peter, Lynda and Destiny and saw the tarot card you drew for Roman that meant 'help'.

The pain in your head stopped and you looked at the sweater. You knew what Roman's role in all of this was. You needed his help.

As there was little room in your bag, you quickly put on the sweater and headed off to Roman's apartment. He would help, right? Even if he was an upir, Peter was still his best friend. You got there pretty quickly and started ringing the doorbell.

"Hey pumpkin, what's up?" Roman chuckled as soon as he opened the door.

You stormed into his apartment and started talking. "There's something wring with D, Peter and Lynda."

"Their places are fucked up and they don't answer their ph-" you said, but you stopped talking when you saw a girl sitting on the couch in the living room, with just her underwear on. "Oh, I see you're busy. Uh, never mind. I'll find them on my own."

"Eva, wait." Roman said, following you to the door.

You got outside and kinda of yelled, "No it's fine, I can find them by myself!"

As you heard the door close, you took a deep breath and crossed to road to see if you could find a map at a convenience store or something. Not paying any attention to your surroundings, you didn't see the car that was coming your way. The tires squeaked and he could stop right in front of you.

With wide eyes you looked at the driver, who was now rushing out of his car to check on you. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't see you!"

"No, it was my fault!" you quickly replied. "I'm in such a hurry that I didn't pay any attention at all."

"Where do you need to go?" the man said. "I could bring you, if you want."

Your mind was still in panic state, so you just agreed on his offer and told him whereabout you had to be. Apparently he knew exactly where that was, so you hopped in the car and he drove off.

The man, who introduced himself as Klaus, was chitchatting about all kinds of random stuff. You didn't feel like really talking along, but you also didn't want him to know that you wanted him to shut up and drive faster.

About 10 minutes after you got into Klaus' car, your phone buzzed and you checked the text message you received:

Eva, you need to trust me. Get out of that car as soon as you can. I'll explain later. There's a gas station coming up in a few miles, tell him you have to use the bathroom or something. -Roman

How the fuck did Roman know you were in someone's car? And what did he know about that guy?

You saw a sign saying that a gas station was close and you read the text message again, closely watching if the guy saw that you were reading it or not.

"Uhm Klaus? Could you pull over at the gas station please? I really have to use the bathroom." you asked him nicely.

He let out a slightly annoyed sigh, "Do you really have to?"

"Yes." you stated. "I have issues."

You saw him looking at you, and you knew he probably wasn't buying it. He then looked back at the road again and as soon as the gas station was in sight, he went into that direction. He pulled over by the few parking spaces that were near the gas station. The place was surrounded way a forest, except for the one road that was going through it. You grabbed your bag and quickly hopped out of the car, heading towards the gas station.

From the corner of your eye, you recognized Roman's car driving close to the car you just got out of. You stopped walking and saw that Klaus was already out of the car and walking into your direction. Apparently he was about to follow you, or keep an eye on you.

You walked backwards as you kept looking at Klaus coming closer. Just as you hit the wall with your back, you saw something flash before your eyes and Klaus was moved to the edge of the forest. Roman was holding him and you saw him bite into Klaus' neck. Blood was gushing out, but Klaus was still able to move normally. He slowly walked towards Roman, but Roman was quicker, got behind him and twisted his neck. Klaus collapsed on the ground, but was still alive.

You then saw Roman looking at Klaus, as if he was inspecting him. He buried his face in his hands for a moment and you heard him curse loudly. Roman walked to where Klaus' head was and crouched by him, with his back facing you. You couldn't see what he was doing, but you were pretty sure you didn't even wanted to know.

A few second later, Klaus wasn't moving anymore and Roman got up. He turned around to look for you, half of his face, his hands and most of his shirt were covered in blood. He lit a cigarette as he walked towards you. You wanted to walk up to him and do something, but you just couldn't move.

"Are you okay?" Roman casually asked, as he took a drag of his cigarette.

You kept looking at him and nodded quietly. You felt really weak, as if you were to pass out. This was one hell of a day. Apparently Roman noticed how white and scared you looked. "I'm sorry you had to see that. I don't want you to be scared of me."

"I'm not." you quietly mumbled. "What did you do to him?"

"I eh, I'm not sure if I should tell you." Roman replied, taking the last drag of his cigarette.

You looked at him, and then at Klaus' body. You walked by Roman and headed to the edge of the forest and took a look at the body. Klaus' neck was almost bitten in half, blood was still slowly dripping out of it. But that wasn't even the worst thing. Roman had literally bitten through his skull, had taken out the brains and had bitten them, so they were all filled with his venom.


This is so not edited XD So sorry for any mistakes :x

No Strings Attached? // Roman GodfreyWhere stories live. Discover now