Drama Queen

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"Adrikins! Tell the people to put the fan somewhere else! It will totally mess up my hair!" Chloe whined.

"Chloe, we're at a movie theatre and you're sitting under an air conditioner. They can't just move the air conditioner... Here just trade seats with me," Adrien sighed, getting up.

He couldn't believe his father set him up to marry the brattiest girl in Paris, Chloe Bourgeois. She was so whiny, needy, and annoying at times.

"Adrikins! I like my seat! Tell them to move the air conditioner then!" She huffed, turning away from him.

Adrien's face grew red with frustration, but he turned away and left the room; he'd ask the people about the air conditioner.

"Excuse me. Uh young sir? Would it be a bother if you could possibly move the air conditioner from blowing on to my wife?" He asked an employee politely.

The employee looked young and nervous. He bopped his head up and down in response and ran to find his manager to do the task.

Adrien felt ridiculous asking someone to move an air conditioner so it wouldn't mess up Chloe's hair.

He didn't even like Chloe. He had a desire to find a stronger woman. One who has big dreams and loves to explore their curiosities. One who is passionate and cheery about doing what she loves.

"Excuse me sir, but it would be impossible to move the air conditioner. Would you like to be seated in another area, away from the air conditioner?" The employee's manager offered.

"I'll go ask my wife. I'll be back in a second," he replied, walking back into the theatre where Chloe sat.

"Adrikins! You took for-EVER!" She complained, throwing her head back to yell the last part.

"Chloe, it is impossible to move an air conditioner. Do you want to sit in another spot?" He asked her, patiently.

"No! I'm sitting right here! Thanks a lot for NOTHING Adrien!!!" She whined, turning away from him to ignore him.

Honestly, he loved when she did that. Now she wouldn't talk to him and he could watch the movie peacefully.

He walked back out and told the employees that she was fine with her seat and decided she wouldn't move.

When he walked back inside and sat in his seat, Chloe looked teary-eyed.

"Adrikins? My hair is getting messed up! I want to sit on your lap!" She threw herself on top of him and cried.

"This is a movie theatre. Your hair looks lovely, I'm sure nobody will notice anything because there's nothing wrong with your hair," he assured her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

She looked into his comforting, green eyes and finally stopped talking. She sat on his lap, as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. She leaned her head back on his shoulder and looked at the screen.

He only did this when she got upset over nothing. It was the only way to calm her down.

He didn't know how much longer he could do this for her or himself.

He felt like he was lying to the both of them.

Chloe needed a real man to love her, not someone who holds her close to shut her up.

She felt loved for once but little did she know, it was all a lie.

A/N: Hey guys! So this is the first chapter to the story!

I made it in third person point of view to try it out.

Tell me what you guys thought!

Thanks for reading!

~Alex the Hedgehog ✌🏼️💖

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