The Wedding (Part 1)

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"Marinette, are you positive you want to go through with this? We can turn back now if you're uncomfortable with Fabio," Alya asked for confirmation as Marinette placed the last detail on her wedding dress.

"Yes, Alya. I'm sure I can do this," Marinette replied, smoothing out the material on her wedding dress.

"I'm so proud of you for making your own wedding dress! It's really beautiful! But are you positive about marrying Fabio?" Alya fell back on Marinette's bed.

"Thank you, Alya. Yes, I'm positive about marrying Fabio. He's the one," she smiled.

The only one that has loved me.

"I don't like him. He's too mean. If he dare lays a finger on you, you are to divorce his butt in the moment! Do you understand?" Alya lectured.

"Yes, Mom," Marinette joked.

"I want my daughter as happy as possible," Alya laughed.

Marinette giggled and hugged her best friend. She knew she only wanted the best for her.

She went into another room to change into her wedding dress to try it on. When she stepped back out, she smoothed the material down a little.

"What do you think?" Marinette asked, giving a little twirl.

"Dang girl! You need to show me the bridesmaid dresses you made!" Alya practically drooled over how beautiful the dress was.

"Sure!" Marinette giggled.

"It's so beautiful!!! Oh my gosh, Marinette!! You are the best designer in Paris!! Even better than Gabriel Agreste!" Alya squealed, still in awe of the dress.

"Whoa, I wouldn't go as far to say I'm better than Gabriel Agreste but thank you so much, Alya!!" Marinette hugged her best friend.

"Umm... I'd say you are WAY better than Gabriel Agreste! That man is going on retirement soon," Alya laughed.

Marinette giggled and rolled her eyes at her friend's remark.

"Is my fiancé almost ready for our amazing wedding?" They heard a voice come from behind the door.

Alya groaned.

"Looking at the bride before the wedding is considered bad luck, you moron," Alya practically growled at him from behind the door.

"Sorry," he muttered. The girls heard his footsteps descending the staircase.

"Here's your dress!" Marinette pulled out a beautiful bridesmaid dress she had designed.

"Aww Mari, it's beautiful!" Alya gushed, forgetting about the annoyance she had gained from talking to Fabio.

"Go try it on!" Marinette insisted, giggling from excitement.

Alya immediately took the dress and stepped into Marinette's bathroom to change.

When she came out, Marinette was squealing.

"You look great!" She told Alya.

"I know! It's all because of my best friend!" Alya held the back of her hand to her forehead dramatically.

They chatted and got ready for the wedding for hours.

Eventually it was almost time to go.

Alya had to make an appearance first in the wedding.

She left the room, wishing Marinette good luck, and started to make her way to the ceremony.

As she was walking, she heard some voices.

"What do you mean you didn't grab the sketchbook?!" A man yelled.

"I couldn't! Her friend was there and wouldn't let me in!" Fabio shouted back.

"What's the point in marrying the girl if you aren't going to see what our profit could be?!" The man shouted in return.

"That's exactly what I'm going to do when I marry her!!! Dang Ben!! I didn't just marry her for her annoying friend!" He screamed back.

"I married her because we need the designs! Was that not clear?!" He continued.

Alya was boiling mad now. She had a plan: a plan she formulated in .016283 seconds.

That Fabio was going down.

In public...

A/N: Hey guys!! Sorry I took forever to update!!

I've had a small writers block but I overcame it!!

I hope you liked the chapter!

Sorry if it's a little short 😁

Thanks for reading!!

~Alex 💕✌🏼️

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