The Trip (Part 2)

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Quick Author's Note: Most of this chapter will be based off the experiences and knowledge I have of theme parks in California.

I know I said I would do Disneyland, but I will be making up a theme park called "Bee-lieve and Dream Theme Park" to avoid any copyright infringements.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

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"We're going to a theme park! We're going to a theme park!" Marinette squealed to her best friend like a child. Seeing the girl's excitement was contagious for them.

"I know! Girl, Adrien, go stand in front of the sign," Alya commanded them as she pulled out her phone. Marinette giggled and pulled Adrien with her.

The two of them stood and smiled while Alya clicked her screen to take the shot. A warm smile washed over her face, seeing that her best friend would finally get to hang out with the love of her life at an amusement park.

"You guys look amazing," Alya gave them a thumbs up.

Adrien stepped away and grabbed Alya's phone, "Now you go pose with Marinette. She's your best friend and you both look beautiful today."

Alya knew at that moment that Adrien was definitely the one for Marinette. She had never approved of him more.

Marinette put an arm around Alya, and she did the same while Adrien took the picture.

"Awesome," he spoke with a chuckle, taking a look at the picture he took. Without realizing it, he had zoomed in on the taken picture to see Marinette's wide blue eyes and her pink lips parted into a huge smile.

"Okay, selfie time!" Alya demanded, taking her phone back and flipping the camera on her phone to the front.

The three took the selfie, then looked to see how the selfie had turned out.

"How is it that he always looks so stinking hot?" Marinette muttered, shaking her head.

"Looks gr-" Adrien had spoken at the same time Marinette made the comment, but his words were cut off into a heavy cough once he realized what she had said. Coughing and choking, his face was red, and Alya bursted out laughing.

Marinette's mouth hung open once she came to the sudden realization that she had said exactly what she was thinking. Her face was entrenched in redness, and she began to ramble apologies at the same time Adrien was coughing and Alya was laughing.

"Th-That wasn't what- I meant have- HAVE A WATER BOTTLE!!" Marinette screamed as she hid her face in shame for the second time that day.

"No-Not that I don't think you're hot! I mean you look hot! It's hot out, and you're attractive!" Marinette continued to ramble until Alya put a shaking finger to her lips, as she was still trembling in laughter.

Adrien's coughing seemed to have lessened after taking the water bottle Marinette had suggested while she was panicking. He wasn't completely sure what had happened, or what exactly the nervous girl meant. His crush on her seemed to grow, and it made his heart beat with more power and love to think of the possibility that she might've actually referred to him as attractive.

Alya wondered how these two even functioned to talk and not be a blushing mess when she wasn't around, or when they were together in Marinette's apartment alone. Her laughter was coming to an end, and she wiped the tears from her eyes as she slapped a hand to Marinette's shoulder.

"Let's get going," she suggested, seeing as the couple was beginning to stabilize themselves after Marinette's comment.

The two followed Alya in silence, as they flickered nervous glances at one another to see if the other was okay.

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