The Trip (Part 1)

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Alya unlocked her car, allowing Adrien and Marinette to step in. She opened her door, sat down in her driver's seat, then buckled her seatbelt.

Marinette climbed into the passenger seat beside her best friend and Adrien sat in the back.

"Alright children, are your seatbelts buckled?" She asked, looking to Marinette beside her then to Adrien behind.

"Yep!" Marinette replied as she locked the belt in.

"It's stuck. Alya, I think I broke your car," Adrien guiltily admitted, hanging his head down.

"Agreste, you're like the king of destruction! First you set Marinette's pot on fire, then you broke my seatbelt!! Just kidding, that seatbelt was already broken. Just sit in the other seat," she joked, causing Marinette to send a glare toward her.

Adrien bashfully slid into the other side of the car to which he buckled himself in easily.

"You have way too much energy at this time of the morning," Marinette muttered, rubbing her eyes grumpily.

"And you are like a cat, sleeping all hours of the day," Alya told her as she turned to look and make sure there were no incoming cars as she cautiously pulled out of the driveway. Marinette groaned in reply, but laughed a bit at how a cat's sleeping schedule somewhat related to her usual behavior.

"So, what breakfast place are we getting take-out from?" Adrien popped in, leaning forward to join the conversation.

"I'm good anywhere. Anything you guys like specifically?" The girl with hair as dark as midnight asked from the passenger seat.

"Are you guys good with crepes? I mean, we probably can't go through the drive-through to pick it up, but if you guys don't mind, we could sit down in the restaurant and eat," Alya suggested.

"That sounds amazingly awesome! Is that okay with you, Marinette?" Adrien looked over at her hopefully, his green eyes gleaming.

"Definitely!" She replied, laughing a bit at how excited Adrien was getting over breakfast. His excitement and joy reminded her of a child's; so pure and real. Just little things like that caused her to turn back into that blushing love-struck teenager she had been not too long ago.

"Then crepes it is! Anyways, there's an hour drive afterwards that we're going to have to sit through, so don't forget to use the bathroom," Alya reminded the two as if they were children while sarcastically wagging her finger, causing Marinette to playfully stick her tongue out at her best friend.

Adrien chuckled at their antics, and especially Marinette's reactions to Alya. She was always so playful when she was happy, and it made his heart soar to see the kind girl who allowed him to stay with her so delighted. It made him wonder why he didn't notice any of this back when they had been classmates in high school.

After the trio had arrived at the restaurant, they were immediately seated due to the lightness in crowds they had received that early in the morning. The service was quick and pleasant for the three young adults, meaning they hadn't waited long before they were approached by a waitress.

"Hello, I'm Aurore and I'll be your server today. What can we get you three started with today?" The young waitress asked brightly as she slipped her notebook out from her apron pocket, along with a pen.

Adrien nodded at the other girls as a polite gesture to order first.

"I'll have the four crepes with powdered sugar and strawberries please. I'll have an orange juice please," Alya spoke, looking up from the menu to speak her order.

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