Obtaining the Book

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Fabio's plan didn't work as he expected. No sketchbook. No rebuilt relationship. All he was able to get from Marinette was a boatload of pain from her karate-kick.

Obviously, he wasn't going to risk being kicked again, so he'd just need to send another person in to retrieve Marinette's sketchbook. He'd need a plan.

As he paced around in his living room, he pulled out his cell phone and logged into social media. His plan would need to involve someone Marinette trusted, but didn't know too well. Scrolling through Marinette's page, he found a boy that Alya used to hang around, as well as Adrien and Marinette.

Did she know this boy well enough? Clicking on his account, seeing as he was tagged as @DJLahiffe.

Unfortunately for him, it seemed that this boy Nino was out of the country so he wasn't an option.

He went back to Marinette's social media page to see who else she seemed to hang out with back in high school. He caught a picture of Marinette with a red-haired boy with paint in his hair, likely an artist.

His username was @NathTomatoPaints, and his name was Nathaniel apparently. Clicking to see his profile, he wasn't too far away from their location. It seemed he was at the Louvre at that very moment, seeing as he posted a picture at that place two minutes ago.

Nathaniel would probably be someone Marinette trusted, so he bolted out the door to find him. Climbing into his car, he drove to the Louvre. It was a place only ten minutes from where he lived, so it didn't take long to get there.

He went into the building and looked around. Once his vision caught and locked onto the red-haired haired artist, he approached him.

"Nathaniel, that's your name!" Fabio shouted, shaking his hand. Nathaniel nearly dropped his own sketchbook as he yanked his hand away quickly with a look of absolute confusion.

"How do you know my name? Who are you?" Nathaniel scrunched his eyebrows together.

"I'm your friend's husband, Fabio! You remember Marinette, right?" He asked, trying to sound more friendly.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng? Yeah, I know her," Nathaniel replied.

"Now it's Marinette Augusguye," Fabio corrected him, laughing a little as he added his last name.

"August guy-? I thought it was Dupain-Cheng," Nathaniel questioned, wondering if they were talking about the same Marinette.

"Because I married her. She has my new last name," Fabio deadpanned.

"Oh, that makes sense," Nathaniel said, suddenly feeling dumb.

"Anyways, I came to ask you a favor. Marinette and I had a little... ahem, disagreement and she's gotten so angry that she's pretending we're separated. She's also hanging around with some model kid. I think his name was Abraham? Or was it Aiden... He was in your class in high school as well," Fabio began to explain.

"Adrien? The blonde guy?" Nathaniel asked.

"Yeah, something like that. Anyways, I'm getting a bit off topic here. My main issue is that I left a few important belongings in her apartment, and she won't let me in to get them. I was hoping I could send you to retrieve these items. Marinette seems to like you enough to let you in. Here's a list of things to grab and there are additional notes telling you where they are specifically. Would you be able to help me with this favor?" He asked the artist handing him a list with a few things on them.

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