The Lights

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It didn't feel long until the sun seemed to have disappeared from the sky and the moon took its rightful place. The group of three had already ventured throughout the park and experienced most of the rides, with exceptions to the more extreme ones. The chilly night air nipped at their skin, leaving everyone to cross their arms for warmth.

"It's been a long day," Alya sighed, yet smiled.

"And it's not completely over yet," Marinette pointed out, stopping the girl in her tracks.

"What do you mean? We've gone on all the 'reasonably speeding' rides and the park will close soon," the brunette reminded her best friend, making air-quotes around the words of the rides that Marinette ensured they only go on for Adrien's safety.

"Ahem, have you forgotten the most magical part of the Bee-lieve and Dream Theme Park?" Marinette crossed her arms, causing Adrien to look over at her curiously.

"And what exactly is that, Missy?" Alya asked her, mimicking her posture playfully and crossing her arms as well.

"The fireworks!" Marinette threw her arms out as to mimic an explosion.

"Fireworks?" Adrien echoed with confusion.

"Oh... Yeah, we can't miss that!" Alya laughed tiredly, smacking Marinette's arm softly.

Marinette pulled the paper map out from Alya's bag and began to read the section about fireworks, "It starts in five minutes!"

"Then looks like I have time to pee," Alya decided before running to the bathroom.

After she took off, Marinette sat down on the nearest bench with a sigh. Adrien sat beside her without a second thought. The two sat together in companionable silence, listening to the background music play a mellow tune.

"Did you like it?" Marinette's voice broke the silence as she turned to look at him.

When his gaze met hers, he saw the golden lights from behind him glimmer in the reflections of her oceanic eyes. "L-Like what?" He asked, stammering as he realized he had taken a little while longer to respond. Adrien hoped his gazing didn't frighten the girl or creep her out.

"Oh, I meant like the today bee buzz- bee park... amusement park today?!" Marinette's jumbled words came crashing down on her like they used to when the two attended high school together. His blonde hair fell into a side-sweep of gold, reminding her of the sunshine, even as they were under the moonlight.

Her blush glowed from the lights that shined from the attractions, also lighting up her eyes in a way he couldn't describe. Adrien realized she was getting flustered around him, and it was then that he found that she must've felt similar to what he was feeling.

"Today was amazing, Marinette. You're amazing," Adrien told her, smiling as his hand instinctively grabbed hers. A warmth filled his chest as her hand's grip tightened slightly on his own.

A large crack sounded from the sky above them, pounding as the golden light bursted into an array of single lights, forming a bee shape.

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