Alya's Threats

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"Marinette!! Are you done cooking yet?! I'm dying of starvation here!!" Fabio yelled at his fiancé, annoyed by her lack of rush.

"Sorry! It takes a while to bake the quiche! I'll try to make it a little faster for you!" Marinette squealed nervously in return.

"I'll forgive you this time, but don't think it will happen again!" He grumpily yelled.

Marinette rushed her baking, hoping he still had a little bit of patience.

A little while later, it had finished and she brought it out to him.

"Jeez woman! What took you so long?!" He asked her angrily.

Marinette bashfully stuttered, "I- It takes a little while, Fabio. I'll try to make it a little faster next time!"

"You'd better!" He threatened her menacingly and snatching the quiche from her shaking hands.

"I-I'm sorry," she replied nervously, looking at her feet.

"Whatever!!" He shouted, taking a gigantic messy bite of the quiche.

She quietly walked upstairs when she heard her cell phone ring. She quickly answered once she shut her door.

"Girl! Wanna join me for a night out at that new pizza joint?" Alya asked her.

"I would, but-" she started to say.

"Don't tell me Fabio is being a jerk again! I'm swear I'm going to smack the living chickens outta that boy!" Alya shouted.

Marinette almost continued but Alya hung up. She knew what she would do.

Moments later, Alya walked right into Marinette and Fabio's apartment and slapped him.

"What is your problem?!" She yelled at him.

"How did you even get in here?!" He shouted back, then he turned to Marinette.

"Did you give this girl a key to our apartment?!" He shouted at her.

He earned another slap from Alya.

"Don't look at her! Don't talk to her that way! You're dealing with me here!" She yelled at him.

He raised his hand to smack Alya back, but with her self defense, she twisted his arm back, on the verge of breaking it.

"One more word from you and I will break your little fragile baby arm!" Alya yelled at him.

He immediately shut up.

She finally let go of him and grabbed Marinette, then walked out of the apartment with her.

Alya grumbled and complained all the way to the car.

"Alya, you didn't have to do that," Marinette insisted.

"Oh! I think I did!" Alya started laughing as she remembered how he shut up as soon as she threatened to break his arm.

"Thanks Alya. I don't know what I'd do without you," she hugged her best friend.

"If this boy gets physical, you are to call me immediately and I will handle him, you understand?" Alya asked her.

Marinette quickly nodded her head.

"Good. I don't trust him. There's something off about him and I will figure out what it is," Alya decided.

A/N: Hey guys!
So here is a small tidbit of Marinette's relationship.

Remember to NEVER let the person you're in a relationship with treat you like that! If it happens, break up immediately! They're jerks!

So, tell me what you guys think of the chapter!

Thanks for reading!

-Alex the Hedgehog

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