I hurriedly grab the few things that I had of mine that was laying around the hotel before leaving. I walk to the bus stop before a voice calls my name making me shiver in disgust, "we go do this again sweetheart?! " one of my "clients" calls out bu...
Toni- I laugh as Skai tries to lick the ice-cream off the tip of her nose. "She is a silly one isn't she?" Mr. Edmonds asks causing me to nod. "You have no idea, thanks again for buying us ice cream and taking us to this park you really didn't have to" I tell him shyly as I look at the view of the beautiful park.
"It's my pleasure, think of it as a celebratory treat for getting the job" he says making me blush. "You still haven't told me about what exactly does this job entails" I say looking up at him before a woman comes up to us and freaks out of Mr. Edmonds.
"OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S YOU I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN EVERRR CAN I PLEASE HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH?!!" Making Skai whimper because of your screaming. "Um ma-" "omg I didn't even know you had a family, they are so cute you have a beautiful family and you all are matching omg family goals" she assumes making my eyes widen.
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"N-" "well I'm sorry I'm interrupting can I have your autograph though?" She asks. He nods and signs her book then turn to me after she skips off happily. "I'm sorry about that" he says as I finish feeding Skai her strawberry ice cream. "It's fine but why was that women asking for your autograph?" I ask nudging up my falling glasses.
He laughs "you are funny" he says making me look at him confusedly trying to catch the joke. "Oh you serious?" He says as he takes in my confused look. "Oh I'm a singer, a really popular one actually which is why that woman wanted my autograph and that dude is trying to act like he is on a jog but is actually taking pictures" he says pointing to a jogger with a pretty noticeable camera. "I am so sorry I haven't exactly been caught up on any celebrities lately" I say in embarrassment making him chuckle.
"It's fine I'm actually glad you don't know who I am because of my fame and money...why don't we go to the house so I can show you two around and then we can decorate your new room and her nursery" he says.
"What?" I ask lost. "Oh yeah it's a live in position since I need you around 24/7 for the kids...thats okay right we can handle your apartment situation or hou-" he says before I cut him off "no it's fine I just didn't know but I don't want you going through all that trouble I will be just fine with a mattress and a crib."
"No I want you both to be comfortable" he says before getting up and throwing all ths trash away. "Come on we have to get everything done before the kids get home from school they are going to love you" he says.
I follow him with Skai on my hip to his nice car. I strap a now sleeping Skai in her car sit before getting into the passenger sit beside Mr. Edmonds. "I think we should go get your things first so where do you live? I probably should get the SVU or a mo-" "we can use this one... I just moved to LA a few days ago so everything is pretty much bagged up" I explain before he nods and heads towards the hotel.
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