I hurriedly grab the few things that I had of mine that was laying around the hotel before leaving. I walk to the bus stop before a voice calls my name making me shiver in disgust, "we go do this again sweetheart?! " one of my "clients" calls out bu...
Toni- I lay in bed thinking about what happened yesterday in the parking lot. I wanted to believe that it was just my imagination but I know it was real. After Ken asked me to work for him I decided I would because although I don't have to pay any bills, I still need to put food on this table. Yesterday after I got home and did some yoga to calm my racing mind I had sent him a e-mail telling him I would work for him but told him a list of rules we both needed to follow so that we could act more professional.
"Toni it's time for me to go to school!" Tamar yells coming into the room with Skai. I look up to see them both fully clothed and waiting for me. "I will be down in a little while Tay just let me finish putting on my clothes" I say to her and she nods before walking out leaving me with my thoughts again.
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What happened yesterday? I question to myself as I look down at my hands. I slowly left them up and point them at an object willing it to move or something but nothing happens. I groan falling back onto the bed "maybe it was all just in my imagination" I mumble and stumble out of the bed to get ready for my first day on the job.
The ride to the children's school, then to work is smooth and I soon find myself walking into the building I rushed out of just yesterday. I walk up to the front desk and am greeted by the same sweet lady that was here yesterday. Loretta Ken told me her name was when we were e-mailing each other.
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"Well nice to see you again Toni, are you ready for your first day?" She asks and nod smiling at her "it's good to see you also and I'm as ready as I can be" I say. After chatting for a few minutes she gives me my badge that let's me go anywhere in the building before sending me upstairs to Ken's office. I have to mentally prepare myself on the ride up to his office and way too soon I find myself standing outside his closed door.
I take a deep breathe before knocking on the door firmly, I feel my heart jump as I hear his deep but also soft voice call out "come in." Words that Joelle once told me "look Toni there is always fear in life no matter where you are, but how you handle that fear tells the world who you are" she said my first few days on the 'job'. I didn't understand her then but I do now, I just wish she was here to help me through this. I reach up to squeeze the necklace around my neck before straightening out my clothes. Maybe I should have put on a dress?