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I sit in the passenger seat with bubbles fizzling through my stomach as I watch Kens family at the playground. "You okay?" He asks as his hand plays with my ring clad hand and I nod "I'm fine...just nervous Ken, how much did you tell them about my past?" I ask him.

"I didn't tell them anything, only that you left because you had to deal with things at home. Speaking of home, when are planning on getting your things?" He asks making me chuckle at his impatience. "As soon as we tell your family, especially the kids. But I want to wait a few days before telling anyone" I say and he nods. "Of course, besides I want to spend as much time with you as possible. As soon as the girls finds out they go be dragging you from the bridal shop to another one" he says making me laugh.

"I can't wait to become Mrs. Edmonds" I say giving him a kiss which he returns passionately. "And I can't wait either baby, I love you" he says kissing my finger with the ring that signifies so much. "I love you more, but I have to take this off baby or else they are going to know sooner rather than later" I say making him pout. He is so adorable.

"Fine I will put it on my chain" he says and I nod and give him the ring. I watch as he puts it on his chain before a sharp pain shoots through my head making me wince. I turn away so he won't see the look of discomfort that's surely on my face. This has been happening for a few weeks now. Ever since I first...froze? Ken. "You ready baby?" Ken asks and I nod before exiting the car preparing myself to face his family again.

"TT!" Tamar calls out as I walk onto the playground with Ken following closely behind me. She runs towards me with her pigtails bouncing looking happier then ever before she jumps into my waiting arms. "Hey sweetie, are you having fun?" I ask as she plays with my hat. "Mhmm auntie DD said we can get ice cream too" she tells me happily making me chuckle.

"That's nice of her baby" I say kissing her chubby cheek before putting her down and she runs back to the younger kids. I look around the park obseving the surroundings and all of my senses feels like they are being maximized. I can hear every word being spoke, every sound being made right down to a baby bird sipping water on the other side of the park. I can smell every scent that the wind drifts past my nose, so bad I can pick up everyone's natural scent. And I can see better then I ever could before, further then I ever could before, straight to the judgemental eyes of Ken's mother and into the delighted eyes of my baby's Skai as she notices me from Demetrias lap.

"You good baby" Ken says coming up behind me and wrapping one of his strong arms around my waist. A arm I need so bad right now because I feel my knees about to buckle to all of these unknown senses. "Yeah I'm fine, just got a bit of a headache all of a sudden" I say and he rubs my waist before placing a kiss on my forehead. "How about when we get back I give you a massage?" He says walking me towards the table and I nod as we reach the table.

I put a on a smile and greet everybody before grabbing my baby who immediately clings to me as I kiss her chubby cheeks. "Thank you for watching her Dee" I say and she nods but I can see her giving me the stank eye so I go and sit by Denise who is on the other side of the table. "Ken comes and sits beside me and plays with my hand under the table. "Kenny Jazmine called and said that she hasn't talked to you in a few days" Demetria says and I immediately pull my hand away but he grabs it again and runs a finger over my wrist making me calm down.

"I decided to stop talking to her" he says simply before turning back to me until his mother speaks "why, she is a wholesome girl instead of a whore" she says making tears immediately spring into my eyes and Ken jumps up "ma!-" but I interrupt him and stand up with Skai in my arms "I think I'm going to head home now, thank you for watching the kids Denise" I say before speed walking from the table and to the playground where the kids are playing.

"Tamar come on baby we have to get going now" I say going to the swings and she gets off with a look of confusion but she goes and grabs her small backpack. "Toni please don't leave, I'm sorry about my mother" Ken says coming behind me. "Tay baby hurry up we have to get going" I call out and I can sense eyes on me and look around to see all the kids and adults staring at us, mainly me. I start to feel the ground slip from beneath me making me take deep breathes as I feel myself start to lose control.

"Ken please stop I can't do this now" I say as Tamar runs towards me and I reach down to grab a hold of her hand and try to move around Ken but he steps in front of me. "Ken stop playing around!" I say losing my temper and he loses his right along with me "you stop running away!" He yells back and his family moves closer to us as my brain moves around like crazy and I quickly hand Skai to Ken before I black out.

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