I hurriedly grab the few things that I had of mine that was laying around the hotel before leaving. I walk to the bus stop before a voice calls my name making me shiver in disgust, "we go do this again sweetheart?! " one of my "clients" calls out bu...
I push my glasses up more on my face nervously as I look at the snacks on the aisle before looking behind me. I quickly pick up a pack of skittles and a bag of lays before going to the cashier to pay for them.
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I look up as soon as the bell rings at the door alerting them of a new costumer and my stomach drops as I look into the face of Wayne, my Pimp. He smirks evilly as he looks me up and down making me gulp before I am drawn back to the cashier as he tells me the price. "2.95 Ms." he says.
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I start to reach in my pocket with trembling hands before a hand right above my butt stops me. I turn to see Wayne pulling out a five dollar bill before he grabs me and my stuff and pulls me out the door and around the corner to a secluded alley. I gulp because I already know what's coming next.
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He stops walking when he is out of the way so nobody wouldn't see us or hear me scream. I quickly find myself thrown against the brick wall causing everything to fall out of my hands and a pain to strike through my back as it comes in contact with the hard brick.
"What the fuck was you thinking last night?!" He yells out furiously before he grabs a hold of my throat and chokes me against the wall causing me to gasp for air. "Oh that's right you wasn't" he spits out before dropping me.