Fuck You!

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I pace the length of my living room as my eyes stray back and forth between the clock and the front door. "Where the hell is she it's ten in the morning!" I yell out in frustration. "Ken calm down okay I'm sure she will be here soon" Jazmine says from her place on the couch. "Calm down? You are not the one who just found out your gir-nanny was a damn prostitute! I'm could kill her!" I yell out.

"Ken think ratio-" she starts to say before a key in the door silences us. I hear the for open and close. A few seconds later Toni walks into the living room by herself. She pauses as she takes in me and Jazmine and with a tilt of her head she acknowledges her and turns back to me. My mouth drys up suddenly as I take her in, all the fury pulsing through me and her beauty still gets to me.

Jazmine clears her throat breaking is out of the tension filled silence "um, I'm going to head home" she says and turns to leave before Toni's voice cut through the air like a knife making us both freeze as the one word floats around the air. "Stay."

I watch as she walks closer dropping her purse on the table before coming to stand in front of us. "Let me guess, she told you I was a prostitute?" She asks as she sits down on the couch and I feel my furt erupt once again. "How did you know?" Jazmine asks glaring over at her. "I know a cop when I see one" Toni says before turning back to me "you can go now Jazmine" I tell her.

"Okay, I'll call you later Ken" she says giving me a kiss on the cheek causing Toni to roll her eyes. After she leaves out me and Toni face each other her on the couch me standing beside it. After watching each other in silence I finally speak up "where you ever going to tell me?" I ask her.


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"...I don't know" she whispers out and I explode. "You don't know?! Smartest woman in the world and you don't fucking know if you were going to tell me you was a SLUT!" I scream out causing her to jump up from my couch and distance herself away from me. "Don't raise your voice at me Ken, and I wasn't a slut so fuck you" she bites out.

I let out a harsh laugh in response "oh you would know wouldn't you, all the men you probably slept with, tell me how many was it? Five? Fifteen? Fifty? Come on Toni I know you know!" I yell out coming closer to her so I am now facing standing directly in front of her.

I see the tears brimming in her eyes and her breathing increase but I can't stop the words from flowing out of my mouth especially with the alcohol I drunk earlier boosting me on. "That's probably why you moved from New York right? You fucked everyone there so you had to come over here and fuck everyone again starting with me" I spit out.

I seen the exact moment I broke her, her eyes lost all it's usual brightness and her shoulders fell down. Her whole body was trembling and I quickly reach out to grab her but she backs up out of my reach. Before I know it a fist flies out and catches me square on my jaw knocking me into the ground and she is straddling my lap and clutching at my shirt collar.

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