I hurriedly grab the few things that I had of mine that was laying around the hotel before leaving. I walk to the bus stop before a voice calls my name making me shiver in disgust, "we go do this again sweetheart?! " one of my "clients" calls out bu...
Toni- After Derek finally got me to calm down we find ourselves back on the comfy couch with my head laying against his chest as he runs his hands through my smooth hair. "I don't know how I'm going to explain all this mess to Ken" I murmur out. "You don't have to tell him, you know?" He says making me sigh. "But I need to. I need to own up to my mistakes, no matter how much I just want to stay here forever and hide" I explain to him.
"I guess you are right" he says and before we can continue our conversation the sound of the front door unlocking catches our attention and Derek motions for me to be quiet and lowers us deeper into the couch cushions.
"I can't believe you had us out here this late" a harsh voice whispers out as footsteps sounds against the floor getting closer towards us. "Me? You the one who insisted we stay for the after, after party big headed hoe" another voice snaps out. "Bitch we got the same sized head" the first voice says. "You know what I'm getting tired of your smart ass mouth" the second voice bites out and a low laugh comes from the first one "well then hoe, knock if you buck" and then we here silence before some tumbling ensues.
Derek finally gets up quietly and cuts on the living room light making his two tangling sisters freeze and look up finally noticing me and Derek looking over at them. "Umm...hey big brother" they say at the same time whilst straightening themselves up.
"Hey big brother? Do you guys have any idea what time it is?!" He asks and they look up at the clock, then at their phones and back at him "it's one in the morning" they say at the same time. "Yes and you both were supposed to be here at 11, Dylan how could you let your sister drag you into this?" He asks making Dakota gasp in frustration. "What! I didn't let her do anything!" Dakota yells out and Dylan nods "yeah, even though half of the time it is her fault-" "shut up Dyl you aren't helping my argument" Dakota says interrupting her twin and another argument quickly erupts between them again.
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*Dakota is in the blue and Dylan is in the orange
"Tais-toi!" I say interrupting them causing them to quickly quiet down and all three of the siblings look over at me in suprise "well Toni I shocked" Dyl says and her twin quickly jumps in "yeah we have never heard you scream before, it's sexy" Kota says we a small smirk as she looks me over and Derek quickly intervenes. "Okay we are not starting this again Dakota, Toni does not get down with the get down" he says before pushing them both on the couch to sit down. "And besides she is taken" Dylan says sticking her tongue out at a pouting Kota.
"Damn" she says before giving me a sly wink making me giggle because I know even though she does have a small crush on me she would never try anything, well except the first time we met. It happened to be the first time I came to Derek's house.
Flashback- "Damn girl you gave me a run for my money today" Derek says as we walk into his kitchen to grab some water. We just came back from a jog from a park by his neighborhood. "That was you trying to show out in front of that man" I tell him laughing as I take a rag and wipe the sweat from off of my body. "Girl I swear he wanted me" Derek says.
"Derek do you ha-damn you fine" a girl with dark blonde hair says as she steps into the kitchen. "Dakota what have I told you about flirting with my friends?" Derek says to the girl who is looking me up and down. She pulls her bottom lip in her mouth and steps closer to me causing my eyebrow to lift. "Please we both know you don't have any friends" she says making him pout "yes I do" he says childishly. "The girl ignores him and come even close to me "I'm Dakota, but you can call me Kota" she says crowding my personal space.
I chuckle as I step around her to go stand beside Derek "your Dereks sister? He told me a lot about you and your sister Dylan. I'm Toni, Dereks friend" I tell her. "Kota are you ready to go?" A girl with dark brown hair says as she enters the kitchen and she stops when she sees me "oh hello, I'm Dylan"-
End Flashback- Dakota hit on me relentlessly after that meeting for almost three weeks before I told her I was kinda seeing someone, but she still flirts with me every chance she can get. It's cute. Dylan voice draws me out of my musings "Derek we are going to be twenty in one more month it's embarrassing that everytime we go out, we have to tell our friends we have to be home by 11" she says quickly backed up by her sister "for real, so we stayed a little late, but what's the big deal?" Kota says.
"What's the big deal? What's the big deal?!" Derek yells out causing all three of us to roll our eyes because we know he is going to be taking forever "thanks a lot Kota" Dyl mumbles in her sisters ear. "The big deal is that since mom and dad left to go to Spain for four months you both are in my care so that means I am responsible for y'all, which means of y'all fuck up I'm getting fucked up, which means I die. Do y'all want a dead brother? I don't think so, so-" "okay Derek damn, we understand" Kota says causing Derek to frown as I supress giggles.
"Look D, I'm going to go check on the girls and head to bed" I tell him and turn back towards the girls "good night ladies" I say with a wink and I head upstairs for the night with Derek's lecturing voice trailing behind me. I enter the room where the girls are asleep peacefully on the big bed and after retucking them in and kissing their foreheads I walk to the room beside theirs.
I take a relaxing shower and after brushing my messy hair and lotioning my body I slip into bed. A sigh escapes me as my bare body comes in contact with the cool sheets. God prepare me for tomorrow...
A knock on my door snaps me out of my sleep and after fumbling around in bed for my glasses I yell out for the person to come in. Tamar enters holding a sleeping Skai "can we sleep in here with you?" She asks quietly and I nod and reach out for Skai while Tamar crawls into the spot beside me. I put Skai between the two of us and cuddle both of them to me.
"Toni?" I hear Tamar call out after a bit of silence "yeah Tay?" "Why did momma hate you so much?" She asks. I feel my throat clog up and my first thought was to tell us she didn't but I realise how wrong I would be, because the truth is, I think she did hate me.