I hurriedly grab the few things that I had of mine that was laying around the hotel before leaving. I walk to the bus stop before a voice calls my name making me shiver in disgust, "we go do this again sweetheart?! " one of my "clients" calls out bu...
Toni 1 year later- I laugh as Ken carries me through the warm water as the hot sun of Bali, Indonesia beats down on us making the already amazing day even better. "It's been over a year baby and you still haven't learned how to swim" Ken says and I pout playfully "hey don't pick at me, it's been a long year" I say making him laugh. He kisses my cheek before taking me to the edge of the pool and sitting me down on it. "I'm about to swim around a little while you stay here and let this beautiful body glow" he says before kissing me on the lips and cheek.
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I watch as he swims underneath the water and eventually dissapears from my sight before I get up and going over to the bar in the middle of the beautiful pool. I still can't believe Ken rented out this whole resort/island for our two week honeymoon. I actually can't believe what all happened these past few weeks.
We got married, adopted ALL the kids. I also decided back to school and so I got in contact with an admissions advisor from Harvard university and they was quick to accept me. The only thing about that is that we have to make the big move to Massachusetts but Ken and the kids are so proud of me. But the biggest change that has come was the news I got a few weeks before coming here.
I sigh as I think of the wedding that I never thought I would have or should. Ken made me feel like a princess the whole time and it was made even better by my bridesmaids Denise, Dyl, and Kota who made sure my day was magical. I chuckle as I think about the bachelorette party they threw me and the look on Ken's face when he came home to a stripper grinding in front of his mothers face. But the best part of the day was when my dad and sisters surprised me and he walked me down the aisle into Ken's waiting arms.
"What's a beautiful lady like you doing her all by yourself?" Ken asks teasingly coming to stand beside me. I smile as I look at him "my husband left me all by myself even though it is our honeymoon" I say playfully and he snorts "he seems like a foolish man then." I cock an eyebrow at him as he moves closer but keep up the charade "oh he is, especially he is going to miss the show" I say and he frowns in confusion "oh? And what show is that if I may ask?" He says.
I just smirk before standing and moving around him and back to the pool. I walk to the stairs and walk down the until I am knee high in the pull before I turn to face him again giving him a seductive smile. I don't say nothing as I reach behind me and untie the strings holding my bikini together and with a wink I drop it in the water leaving my chest bare for him to take in and he does it without hesitation. I make quick work of my bottoms before entering the water until it caresses the bottom line my breasts.
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