Es Aixo?

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I enter my apartment with Skai sleep on my shoulder and Tamar clinging to my loose hand fighting sleep herself. I had decided to get her out of school early since it was pointless to run back and forth.

Ken comes in behind me holding Tamar's bag. "Toni we need to talk" he says and I roll my eyes, I thought I told him to go home. "As you can see I'm busy so you can just show yourself out" I tell him. He let's out a scoff as I head to the back "mm okay" he says.

"Tamar baby go ahead and go take a little nap then when you wake up you can pick what we eat tonight" I tell her leading her to her room and she just nods lazily. After making sure she is in her room I go to Skai's room and to put her in bed making sure she is changed and comfortable before I leave out. I go to my room to put on something comfortable but I hear my phone ringing from the living room so I go and see who is calling only in my white lace bra and pants.

I come around the corner quickly to answer the phone only to be meet by Ken sitting on my couch eating a sandwich making a small scream leave my mouth. "What is it?" Ken says jumping off of the couch becoming immediately alert. "Why the hell are you still here?" I ask him but as I look over at him I can see that he is too busy focused on other parts of me. "Ken!" I snap making him jump "huh? Oh yeah, we need to talk" he says and I turn around and walk back to my room with a scoff. "Ken what Skai said was a slip of the tongue probably babies do that so it's really isn't a big deal" I lie as I finish putting on some comfortable clothes.

"Toni don't do that okay? It's obvious that she needs a father figure in her life and I can be that" he says and I swear my eyes almost bug out of my head as I turn to look at him standing outside my doorway. "Are you out of your damn mind?" I question and he opens his mouth about to answer but I cut him off "of course you are if you suggested something dumb like that. Do you not understand the meaning of we don't date? That means you are not in my personal life including my kids, and I'm not in yours" I say darkly. He frowns taking a step back "but Skai-" "will probably not remember you in a few weeks" I interrupt and he glares at me.

"Look Ken we agreed to keep this professional between us and you trying to be a 'father' to my child is not being professional" I say to him and he enters my room crowding right into my personally space and I immediately feel the heat radiating of...

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"Look Ken we agreed to keep this professional between us and you trying to be a 'father' to my child is not being professional" I say to him and he enters my room crowding right into my personally space and I immediately feel the heat radiating off of him and before I can back away his hands are on my hips and I am pressed firmly against him. "And what if I don't want to keep this professional between us?" He says quietly staring into my eyes making me squirm with nervousness.

"K-Ken? You can't do this to me now. We can't do this" I say with false confidence. "Give me a reason why" he says rubbing his hand teasingly up and down my back causing my train of thoughts to crash. " be-because" I offer up making him chuckle. "Toni do you know how much I missed you? How much I crave you? Everything in that house reminds me of you and what we had, what we did" he says walking me backwards until the back of my knees hits the bed. I hold my hands up against his chest so he won't come closer "stop Ken, please.... You hurt me so much" I say tears gathering in my eyes. "To-" "no! I can't do this with you again Ken, I won't allow you to hurt me again" I say and his eyes lights up with anger.

"Like you didn't hurt me Toni

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"Like you didn't hurt me Toni. You lied to me when I trusted you. I trusted you with everything and you couldn't give me the same courtesy" he says grabbing a hold of one of my hands that are still pressed firmly on his chest. "It's not even like that Ken, I did trust you" I argue weakly making him scoff. "Whatever Toni" he says turning to walk away. But I myself growing angry and I quickly pull on his shoulder making him twist around.

"You don't get to be mad okay?! You are not the one who had to live on the streets not knowing where your next meal would come from. You're not the one who had to sleep with countless assholes and losers just to scrap by. You are not the one who had to lay awake almost every night because your apartment had a broke window and you thought that one of those assholes might come back for more. You are not the one who got beat, raped, or drugged because you couldn't sleep with a married man. You are not the one who had to watch her best friend or the closest thing she had to a mother because her own mother was to fearful and let her child get raped by her husband get shot because they wanted a better lives for themselves. Y-you are not the one raising your bestfriends baby because you couldn't do shit to save her life. And you are not the one with a screwed up life because of your actions" I spit out spitefully before the tears finally fall and I break down sobbing nearly collapsing on the floor in the process but two strong arms wrap around me and I feel myself being pulled gently onto my bed before Ken hugs me.

"I'm sorry baby, I am so sorry" he whispers soothingly in my ear as he rocks me gently back and forth

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"I'm sorry baby, I am so sorry" he whispers soothingly in my ear as he rocks me gently back and forth. "I will never hurt you again I promise. Shhh shhh its okay princess" he says rubbing my back.

"Es aixo?" I question quietly.

Btw Es aixo means is it in Catalan a vulgar Latin term spoken by Romans.

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