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"Super powers?" Derek asks breaking a silence that seemed to last ever since I told them about my so called 'powers'. "I don't know Derek, all I know is something is happening to me and I don't know what it is, and I am scared" I finally admit holding in the tears threatening to fall. "Toni this is ridiculous alright, maybe this is all in your head" Ken says taking my hand.

"Ken I wish it was but this is happening to me and the only ones who can give me an answer to what it is are the people on the other side of that door" I say squeezing his hand in a comforting manner. "But this could be some sort of trap Toni, how do you know them guys are who they say they are?" Ken asks and I give him a small smile "just call it female intuition Ken" I say to him before looking at both of them.

"Derek I need you to keep Tamar and Skai for three days tops and I will be home. If Tamar asks where I am at tell her I had an important work trip" I say and he nods "of course T" he says. "They can stay with me Toni" Ken says and I quickly shake my head "Ken I love you so much but your mother is another thing and I will not have my babies staying anywhere near that woman" I say and he looks hurt but nods making me feel instantly guilty.

I sigh before grabbing a hold of his chin and pulling him down for a tender kiss "look baby I love you and your family but your mom and me have a few issues to work out and until we can work them out I can't have my children around her" I say before a knock sounds at the door and Agent Rodriguez peeks his head in the door. "We have to leave now Ms. Braxton" he says before leaving out.

I sigh before turning to look at the two man in my life "don't worry about me guys, I will be fine I promise" I tell them. I quickly give Derek a kiss on the cheek and turn to kiss Ken but he stops me before I can. "Promise me you will tell me everything when you return, and I mean everything Toni" he says and I nod before kissing him with everything I can. I pull away and turn to leave but Ken turns me around and slips something around my neck. I look down and smile as I look at my ring he put around his neck earlier. I peck his lips one more time before leaving not daring to look back because I know that if I do I wouldn't be leaving with these agents.

I enter my house with a heavy heart thinking about the last few hours and the things Toni told me. Plus the so called agents, it's all just too much to think about. "Uncle Kenny what's going on with Toni?!" China shouts coming in with the kids behind her. "She is fine guys" I say walking into the kitchen and they follow me. Demetria, Denise, and my mom all sit around the island talking and drinking. "Well where is she at then I need her help with a project for school" Yara says. "She is at home guys resting and she probably won't be here for a few days" I say making them start protesting.

"What did you do this time?" China asks. "This isn't fair!" Miles shout. "Whatever you did you need to apologize" Yara says. I sigh as I listen to them do everything but cuss me out. "Guys! I didn't do anything she is home resting something her doctor ordered" I say making them sigh in relief. "Oh good we thought you messed up again" China says making me frown.

"Why can't she rest here?" Denise asks joining in on the conversation and the kids leave out. "She didn't feel comfortable with everything that happened" I half lie and watch as my mom and DeeDee tense up. "Hmm I don't blame her, you two treated her like crap" Denise says talking to them. "I only spoke the truth" my mom says. "You spoke what you thought was the truth ma. You treated her like she was the worst human on Earth and you too DeeDee, but I have a news flash for you two. If you two want to continue being apart of me and the kids lives you will treat my fiance with respect" I say shocking them.

"Fiance?" DeeDee asks and I smile thinking about how good my ring looked on Toni's finger. "Yes fiance, who I plan to make wife very soon so I suggest you two do something with your grudge" I say before walking out. I enter my room and lay down on my bed exhausted by the events of the day. I roll over on my side and frown as something pokes me. I reach under my and pull out a book of the Swahili language and smile as I remember how this book got here.

I groan as I roll over in the bed and open my eyes the dim light making me squint. I take in Toni sitting up with her legs crossed and her glasses perched on her nose as a book lay open in her lap. I look at her face closely and watch as her eyes move over the words so fast it's like she is just scanning the pages before she flips through another one. In a total of five minutes she is almost towards the end of the thick book that has to be at least five hundred pages.

"Wow" I say startling her and she turns towards me with a smile that makes my heart skip "Ken I didn't mean to wake you baby" she says leaning down to kiss me and I kiss her back before pulling back. "It's fine love what are you reading?" I ask and she lifts it up to show me. "The Swahili Language" I say and she nods "thought I would learn a new language" she says.

"At...three in the morning?" I ask and she shrugs "is there any other time to learn a language?" She asks smartly making me chuckle "okay smart ass. So what did you learn so far?" I ask sitting up and tugging her in my lap so that she is straddling me. She wraps her arms around my neck and looks me in my eyes. "Something I already know in all languages" she says. "And what is that?" I ask playing with my tee shirt she is wearing. "Nakupenda" she says kissing my chin before moving up to kiss my lips.

"Mm what does that mean?" I ask flipping her over so she is on her back and I am hovering over her. "I love you" she says and I smile and lean down to kiss her again "well nakupenda too" I say making her giggle and that quickly turns into breathy moans that fills up the room...

End Flashback-
I sigh as I look at the book "nakupenda Toni"...

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