I hurriedly grab the few things that I had of mine that was laying around the hotel before leaving. I walk to the bus stop before a voice calls my name making me shiver in disgust, "we go do this again sweetheart?! " one of my "clients" calls out bu...
Toni One Week Later- I lay on the cold metal table with wires connected on various parts of my body, especially my head. Ever since I got here I have been poked, prodded, and have had ever test known to men ran on me. "Merdi" I sigh as I pass through the scanner again. I listen to the whispering on the side of the bed, well what they think is whispering but with my over sensitive hearing I can hear everything they are saying.
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"Sir we have ran these tests multiple times and each result is always different" the female agent, Saldana, says. "What do you mean?" Hudson says. "Each test result proves the same thing we already knew, that she is a genius" Saldana says. "Yes we knew that already" Hudson says rushing her along. "Sir these results are off the charts and it seems that ever result gets higher and higher. Sir we have only seen a small glimpse at what she can do but these results proves there is more and will be more then that" Saldana says and I can sense the tension in the room.
"So what does all this mean?" Another voice asks, Beharie. "And should we be worried?" Hudson asks. "It means she is the most powerful human on Earth and it is our job to protect her, and no we shouldn't because if she was go hurt us she would have been did it, just look at what she has been through" Saldana says and I feel the tension in the room immediately go down.
"Good, bring her on out Beharie and give her some clothes I'm sure she is freezing and after you are done bring her upstairs" Hudson says before I hear them exiting the room. A beep sounds before the machine starts slowly pulling me out. I come face to face with Saldana. She gives me a smile before getting to work pulling the wires off of me. After she is done she hands me some sweatpants and shoes since I have on a shirt already and she also gives me a different pair of socks.
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"Hudson-" "wants me to meet him upstairs" I interrupt and she looks at me in surprise making me smirk "overheard you all talking" I say shrugging before putting on the clothes she gave me. After putting on the clothes we walk up the same stairs I have been going up and down for the last week. We walk into the conference room and I watch as they all stop talking as we enter.
"So?" I ask taking a sit at the end of the table. They all look at me before looking at each other. "Well we ran a few tests Ms. Braxton" Hudson says and I nod "yes I know that, and I told you I am leaving today so can we hurry along" I say impatiently and Hudson nods and they all sit. "Well your results seem to get stronger each time we do a test Ms. Braxton, your IQ is off the charts and keeps on getting higher" Beharie explains and I nod.