Please What

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I roll over in my bed to pull Toni closer to me only to come in contact with a cold sheet making my eyes snap open. Where she at? "Toni?" I call out into thin air. No answer. Quickly jump out of bed and throw on a pair of boxers and grey joggers before dashing out of the room.

I hope she didn't get cold feet about us or regret what we did, I'm already falling for her I can't imagine losing her because she regrets this. I look through all the rooms calling her name but she didn't pop up so I walk sadly to the living room where the kids burst through the door and run in frantically.

"Where is she?" "Please don't tell me you fired her!" "How could you?!" They all spit out rapidly causing me to step back quickly a look of confusion crossing my face. "What?" I ask shooting Demetria a look as she walks into the room with Skai latched onto her hip. "I'm sorry Ken these kids swear you fuck-messed up things with Toni" she says explaining things.

I nod before looking back at the kids who are glaring at me "guys I didn't fire Toni so y'all can stop y'all glaring you little demons" I tell them making them all breath out in relief before walking upstairs leaving me, Skai, and Dee in the living room. "Sooooo?..." Dee says looking up at me with a wide smirk on her face making me groan inwardly "so what?" I ask taking Skai into my arms as she reaches for me making me smile. "You know what. What happened last night?" She asks taking a seat on the sofa with me following after her. "We talked, she told me she was sorry and that's all" I say causing her to smack her lips in attitude.

"Ken this is me you are talking to okay? You know you can't hide this from me and I already can guess what happened hell with that big ass hickey on your neck it's not really hard to figure it out" she says mockingly making me glare at her. "Don't you have somewhere you need to be Dee like with your fiance?" I ask making her laugh. "You know Allen is in New York for a conference so I'm stuck here to bother you until Tuesday so try again" she say making me groan.

"Dee not-" "Uncle Kenny China won't give me my top back!" Yara screams making me almost praise God at getting me out of this conversation. "Girl please this top look better on me anyway!" China screams back. "Has anybody seen my jordans?!" Miles screams out. "You left them at my house!" Dee yells joining the party of screamers as she gets up and goes upstairs. I sigh before looking down at Skai who is looking up at me with her big eyes "I guess we are the only ones who aren't screaming" I say as she nurses on her pacifier before she pulls it out and throws it at my head making me chuckle "well I stand corrected."

"I'm gonna lose this game,
I got no hope to face,
I'm not designed for this, this this,
If I could speak in code,
I wouldn't be so bold,
I can't control my lips, lips lips,
I never been so alone,
I tend to be loud bout,
I'm not ashamed of my words..."

I stop singing to look over at Derek who is playing the piano making him frown "why did you stop Toni, that was beautiful?" "Because I don't know what to say, why I even doing this with you? I don't know you, the only thing I know is that you are gay" I say causing him to laugh. "True. Why are you so afraid to let go?" He asks making me sigh "because I don't do this Derek, I'm not a singer and I don't want to be one...its time for me to go" I tell him before getting up and walking out with my bags leaving him to follow after me.

Minutes later I sit in the passenger side of his very expensive car staring out the window until I feel a tap on my thigh causing me to look over at him in question. "I'm sorry if I pushed you to try and sang but you really do have a beautiful voice" he says causing me to blush "thank you, and you didn't push me Derek, I just don't think I can do it" I say letting out a such as we reach Ken's house.

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