I hurriedly grab the few things that I had of mine that was laying around the hotel before leaving. I walk to the bus stop before a voice calls my name making me shiver in disgust, "we go do this again sweetheart?! " one of my "clients" calls out bu...
Toni- I stand in shock for a few minutes before the kids and Demetria come downstairs, the kids with an overnight bag. Miles drops his bag and runs towards me clinging onto my side "we are sorry we got you in trouble Ms. Toni" he says sadly as Yara and China joins in on the hug. "Yeah if it wasn't for us begging you to go to Disney Uncle Kenny wouldn't be so mad" China says and Yara nods her head "we are so sorry" she whispers.
I slowly pull back away from the hug and look over at Demetria "can you hold her real quick while I talk to them?" I ask and she nods "of course" she says before taking Skai and going into the kitchen.
I turn back to the kids and see them close to tears "hey, hey none of that okay? Come here" I tell them and they all walk over to me with there heads bent down. "Look this isn't any of your faults okay? I'm the adult, I should have been more responsible so whatever happens tonight is on me" I tell them firmly before hugging them all again.
"Promise us we will see you tomorrow" Yara says looking up at me. I force a smile I don't feel and kiss her forehead "I will see you all tomorrow" I say making them all smile at my word play.
Demetria walks in interrupting us with a now fully awoke Skai who is babbling away at her. "Oh my goodness she is just the sweetest little thing" she says tickling her belly making an adorable laugh come out out her "how about she come with us to Cousin DeeDee house so you and Uncle Kenny can speak with no interruptions" China suggests.
"That's actually a good idea Chi" Demetria, or "DeeDee", says and I quickly shake my head "no I can't ask you to do that" I say making her laugh "really Toni it's fine" she says and looks down at Skai "how about it Skai, you want to come spend time with cousin DeeDee?" She says in a baby voice and Skai claps happily and waves at me making us all laugh.
"Okay traitor" I say teasingly before looking up at DeeDee "let me go pack her a bag, Yara can you get her car seat out of the car and I will meet you all outside?" I ask and they all nod before head upstairs.
After ten minutes everyone is gone leaving me and Kenny in the big house. I sigh as I stand in the living room for a few minutes with a million thoughts racing through my head the biggest one being how badly I messed up.
I slowly make my way up the stairs and into Kenny's big office to see him sitting at his desk with papers scattered across it. He looks up as I come in before speaking "are the children gone?" He asks and I nod nervously before pulling off my glasses to run my hand over my face. "Look Mr. Edmonds I am so sorry about earlier it's just the kids wanted to do something fun and plus they didn't have anything wrong with their teeth so we went to Disney and-" I quickly ramble out before he holds up a hand quieting me down.
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"I'm not mad about that Toni... sit down please" he says motioning to the chair in front of his desk. I hesitantly sit onto the soft white cushions and he stands up from his seat and walk to stand in front of the desk. "I did some research earlier...on you" he says making my head snap toward his making sure I heard him right. "Excuse me?"
"This morning when you all left I...found some interesting papers" he says motioning to the papers on his desk. I slowly get up and walk towards the desk and turn quickly towards him with fire burning in my eyes "you went through my things" I spit out as he eyes me calmly.
"I wouldn't have to go through anything if you would have just told me who you were from the get go" he accuses. I step back and take a deep breathe as he continues talking "Toni Michelle Braxton, smartest women in the world with an IQ of 290. Daughter of Evelyn and Michael Braxton with five younger siblings, Mikey, Traci, Towanda, Trina, and Tamar Braxton. Born and raised in Maryland young Toni Braxton has been accepted into over 70 top colleges. At just sixteen Ms. Braxton has the world ahead of her..."he recites off of an old newspaper before placing it down and looking at me intensly "until she disappeared from her home one night, no trace, no footprints, and no sight of her, until she showed up one day at my studio for a job interview" he says.
I feel tears prick the back of my eyes as he stares questiongly at me. "Who are you Toni? You can trust me okay, just let me in" he pleads softly and I turn away from him to avoid his soft brown eyes. "I-I can't" I force out roughly before walking away from him trying to escape the tense room.
As soon as I get close to the door his hand reaches out and grips my wrist before pulling me around to face him and before I know it I lash out at him "what do you want from me?!" I scream out. He blinks slowly before responding "the truth."
A silent battle takes place as we stare into each other eyes and suddenly he yanks me towards him and his mouth is attached to my own. His strong arms wraps around me as I stand still as a stick trying to fight the sexiness of it all before he grips my lower back and I find myself losing a battle I don't know why I was fighting.
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A moan escapes me as his hands trails down my side and I find my body being pushed backwards until I come in contact with his wooden desk and he lefts me up and place me gently on the top of it. His demanding tongue swipes against my lips begging for them to open which I happily oblige to and butterflies instantly erupts in my stomach as his tongue comes in contact with my own and I they start a dance of their own that takes my breath away.
My hands wrap around his waist pulling him even closer to me and I sigh as his body connects perfectly with mines. Slowly the oxygen drains from my lungs but I don't want to seperate but he, unfortunately, has other ideas. A whimper escapes me as he pulls away and steps back from me and he let's out a rough sigh as he runs his hand that was just gripping my back across his face.
"We can't do this" he says. I feel my heart drops but I nod in agreement at his words. "I-I know" I say before hopping off of his desk onto my wobbly legs. I make sure I can walk correctly before walking hastily towards the door before his voice stops me "Toni you can talk to me about anything you know that right?" He asks.
I pause on my way out before responding without turning around. "Good night Mr. Edmonds" I whisper before walking out and towards my "temporary" room. I need a cold, colddd, shower.