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I wake up in bed to the shining sun beaming in my face causing me to groan and roll over coming face to face with three little girls. "Um...hello?" I say causing them to giggle. "See Ava I told you she wasn't a doll" Laila says crawling into the bed with the two twins following after her. "I didn't say it, Eva say it" the little girl with the light brown hair says, I guess her name is Ava. "Well she looked like my dolly at home" the one with dark brown hair says.

"Why won't she say nothing?" Ava asks looking at her Laila

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"Why won't she say nothing?" Ava asks looking at her Laila. "I don't know, maybe she is mute like momma say daddy does to her when he watches TV" Laila says as they all crawl closer to me so they are sitting right beside me. "No that's called ignowance" Eva says causing me to chuckle. "Shh, she said something!" Ava says.

They all lean down to hover over my face, brown eyes connecting with brown before Eva yells out "hello! Can you hear us?!" She yells in my face causing her sister to hit her "don't ask her that. EXWUSE ME! ARE YOU IGNOWANCE?" She yells even louder causing both of them to shush her and me to laugh. "I can hear you all, and no I wasn't ignoring you" I tell them.

"So you are a doll?" Eva asks causing me to laugh again. "No sweetie I'm not" I tell the cute little girl before sitting up in my bed and finally taking a look at my surroundings. I see that every trace of Ken is gone except for his scent which still lingers on my sheets. I look down at the shirt he must have put me in before leaving. "My nana said to get you cause we having breakfast soon and she wanted you to meet everyone" Laila says explaining there presence in my room.

"We got here this morning and my aunty said to come and get you for food" Ava says happily. "Okay thank you girls for waking me this morning" I say putting them down on the floor one by one. "You welcome!" They yell out before running out of my room shutting the door behind them. I sigh and lay back down thinking of all the stuff I will have to do.

I have to go to the doctors this morning to set Skai and myself up with a doctor. Then I have to go to the grocery store and get extra foods since a lot of people are going to be at the house, and buy something I can actually eat. Then I have to go the bakery and pick up the cake and cupcakes for Demetria's party tonight, and swing by the caters to make sure the food is going to be ready by this afternoon.

I run over the whole list in my head before letting out a groan. I glance over at my nightstand at my clock to see it's almost 8 causing me to hop out of bed. Let me hurry and get ready because Skai will be awake soon and I won't have time. I hurriedly rush into my bathroom and turn on the shower before running back out to pull out some clothes. After picking out a simple green shirt and some dark jeans I go back into the bathroom and brush my teeth and everything before stripping and hopping into the shower.

40 minutes later I find myself sitting in front of my vanity staring at myself in the mirror in nothing but my towel. I feel like I need a change, but I don't know what I want to change. My eyes trails over my long, curly brown hair. Maybe I need a haircut. Before I can think any further I hear a cry coming out of Skai's room.

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