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I push myself faster as I jog in the park with Skai strapped in the stroller and kicking her little legs as Fluffy runs around us. "Damn Toni slow down why are you running so fast?" Derek says out of breathe as he runs behind me.

I slow down before coming to a complete stop by the park bench and catch bend over to catch my breathe

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I slow down before coming to a complete stop by the park bench and catch bend over to catch my breathe. "I'm sorry Derek, I'm just so nervous about today" I tell him pulling my glasses off of my face and facing him. "I can tell you are, how about I take you out for a drank tonight before they come tonight?" He suggests.

I hand Skai a piece of banana and her bottle filled with water before turning back to him "I would love to, well I don't drank, but I would love to go out with you tonight but I can't because they are going to be here in a few hours so we have to prepare the house for them" I tell him sipping my water. "That's sucks. How long are they staying down here?" He asks pulling on his hoodie to shield him from the cool air.

"A week

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"A week. I'm just nervous that they will think I'm bad for the kids, Ken says they are nice people which I'm sure is true but..." I say trailing off. I take a seat on the bench and take Skai out of her stroller and she immediately tries to feed me her mushed up banana.

"I'm good Skai but thank you" I tell her but her little head shakes as she looks up at me "mnana hmm mah" she babbles putting the mushed fruit up to my mouth. "No thank you baby, you eat it" I tell her. She frowns for a minute before crawling onto my lap on her knees and kissing my cheek with her slobbery little lips. "Mmomma mnana" she says making my eyes widen in happiness.

"Oh my goodness! Did you hear that?!" I ask excitedly looking up at Derek who is holding up my phone recording us. "Yeah and this has got to be the cutest mother daughter moment ever" he says as I turn back towards Skai who is smiling up at me. "Can you say it again baby?" I ask hugging her close to my chest. I hear a small "momma" making my heart swell and tears roll down my eyes. "She called me momma" I whisper out and soon my happiness is dampened when I remember my best friend, her real momma, a mother that she will never know because of a promise I made.

"...I-I think I have to throw up" I say to Derek before handing him Skai who is calling out to me and I turn just in time as all my earlier food leaves me and spills onto the grass. "Holy shit" I hear Derek gasp out.

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